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Рарные шмотки

Правила: 139

Rare Shields (Dlvl 55)

Команды правила: 14
Identified True
DropLevel >= 55
Rarity Rare
Class "Shields"
HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Vigorous" "Fecund"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of Life-giving" "of Recuperation" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of the Keeper" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "of Resolve" "of the Citadel" "of the Sentinel" "of the Buttress" "of the Bastion" "of the Barricade" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Revitalization" "of Rebounding" "of Obstruction" "of Interference" "of Deadening" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Vigorous" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Xoph's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Tul's" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Esh's" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Nirvana" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "Unmoving" "Abating" "Lissome" "Adroit" "Adaptable" "Resilient" "Saintly" "Consecrated" "Apparition's" "Eidolon's" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Victor's" "Sturdy" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Shields

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Shields"
HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Xoph's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Tul's" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Esh's" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Unmaking"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of Life-giving" "of Recuperation" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of the Keeper" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "of Resolve" "of the Citadel" "of the Sentinel" "of the Buttress" "of the Bastion" "of the Barricade" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Revitalization" "of Rebounding" "of Obstruction" "of Interference" "of Deadening" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Vigorous" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Xoph's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Tul's" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Esh's" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Nirvana" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Shields (Dlvl 55)

Команды правила: 14
Identified True
DropLevel >= 55
Rarity Rare
Class "Shields"
HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Unmoving" "Abating" "Lissome" "Adroit" "Adaptable" "Resilient" "Saintly" "Consecrated" "Apparition's" "Eidolon's" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Victor's" "Sturdy" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Vigorous" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "of the Citadel" "of the Sentinel" "of the Bastion" "of Obstruction" "of Interference" "of Everlasting" "of Youth"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of Life-giving" "of Recuperation" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of the Keeper" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "of Resolve" "of the Citadel" "of the Sentinel" "of the Buttress" "of the Bastion" "of the Barricade" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Revitalization" "of Rebounding" "of Obstruction" "of Interference" "of Deadening" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Vigorous" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "of the Ranger" "of Mastery" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Victor's" "Sturdy" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unmoving" "Abating" "Lissome" "Adroit" "Adaptable" "Resilient" "Saintly" "Consecrated" "Apparition's" "Eidolon's" "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Shields

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Shields"
HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Blazing" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of Life-giving" "of Recuperation" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of the Keeper" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "of Resolve" "of the Citadel" "of the Sentinel" "of the Buttress" "of the Bastion" "of the Barricade" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Revitalization" "of Rebounding" "of Obstruction" "of Interference" "of Deadening" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Vigorous" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Blazing" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Xoph's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Tul's" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Esh's" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Nirvana" "of Ruin" "of Calamity"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Two Hand (Dlvl 55)

Команды правила: 14
Identified True
DropLevel >= 55
Rarity Rare
Class "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand" "Two Hand" "Wands" "Warstaves"
HasExplicitMod "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Cruel" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's"
HasExplicitMod >=3 "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Flaring" "Dictator's" "Emperor's" "of Celebration" "of Incision" "of Dissolution" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Wands (Dlvl 55)

Команды правила: 15
Identified True
Corrupted False
DropLevel >= 55
Rarity Rare
Class "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand" "Two Hand" "Wands" "Warstaves"
HasExplicitMod "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Cruel" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's"
HasExplicitMod >=2 "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Flaring" "Dictator's" "Emperor's" "of Celebration" "of Incision" "of Dissolution" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Boots

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Boots"
HasExplicitMod "Hellion's" "Cheetah's"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "Blazing" "Seething" "Pulsing" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Hellion's" "Cheetah's" "Matatl's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Boots

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Boots"
HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Hellion's" "Cheetah's"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Sturdy" "Durable" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Illusory" "Unreal" "Enveloped" "Encased" "Elusory" "Vaporous" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Beatified" "Hallowed" "Spirit's" "Cherub's" "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Hellion's" "Cheetah's" "Matatl's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Gloves

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Gloves"
HasExplicitMod "Blazing" "Seething" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Athlete's" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated "
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "Zaffre" "Blazing" "Seething" "Pulsing" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Gloves

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Gloves"
HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Virile" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated "
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "Zaffre" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Sturdy" "Durable" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Illusory" "Unreal" "Enveloped" "Encased" "Elusory" "Vaporous" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Beatified" "Hallowed" "Spirit's" "Cherub's" "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated "
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Helmets

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Helmets"
HasExplicitMod >=2 "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Blazing" "Seething" "Necromancer's"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of Puhuarte" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "Necromancer's" "Summoner's" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of Recuperation" "Blazing" "Seething" "Pulsing" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Fecund" "Athlete's"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

ided on EGP UEG

Команды правила: 9
Rarity <= Rare
HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 2
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
MinimapIcon 2 Red Pentagon
PlayEffect Red
SetFontSize 38

Rare Item (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 11
Rarity <= Rare
HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 5
ItemLevel >= 86
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 210 0 0
PlayAlertSound 4 300
MinimapIcon 0 Red Pentagon
PlayEffect Red
SetFontSize 45

Rare Sunfire Circlet

Команды правила: 11
BaseType == "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Vaal Regalia" "Glorious Plate" "Astral Plate" "Grasping Mail" "Sadist Garb" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Bone Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Majestic Pelt" "Lich's Circlet" "General's Helmet" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Dire Pelt" "Grizzly Pelt" "Moonlit Circlet" "Sunfire Circlet" "Knight Helm" "Conquest Helmet" "Haunted Bascinet" "Faithful Helmet" "Paladin Crown" "Divine Crown" "Jester Mask" "Ancient Mask" "Torturer's Mask" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Gloves" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Sage Gloves" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" "Martyr Gloves" "Paladin Gloves" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Phantom Mitts" "Leviathan Greaves" "Velour Boots" "Warlock Boots" "Precursor Greaves" "Harpyskin Boots" "Sage Slippers" "Chimerascale Boots" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Martyr Boots" "Paladin Boots" "Infiltrator Boots" "Phantom Boots" "Royal Plate" "Syndicate's Garb" "Twilight Regalia" "Necrotic Armour" "Titan Plate" "Legion Plate" "Supreme Leather" "Astral Leather" "Arcane Vestment" "Nightweave Robe" "Full Wyvernscale" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Conquest Lamellar" "Grand Ringmail" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sanguine Raiment" "Torturer Garb"
Rarity <= Rare
HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 3
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetBackgroundColor 180 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
PlayAlertSound 4 300
MinimapIcon 1 Red Pentagon
PlayEffect Red
SetFontSize 42

Rare Helmets

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Helmets"
HasExplicitMod "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Necromancer's" "of Everlasting" "of Youth"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of Puhuarte" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "Necromancer's" "Summoner's" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of Recuperation" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Sturdy" "Durable" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Illusory" "Unreal" "Enveloped" "Encased" "Elusory" "Vaporous" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Beatified" "Hallowed" "Spirit's" "Cherub's" "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Body Armours (Dlvl 55)

Команды правила: 14
Identified True
DropLevel >= 55
Rarity Rare
Class "Body Armours"
HasExplicitMod >=2 "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Bishop's" "Priest's" "Exarch's" "Abbot's" "of Tacati" "Prime" "Rapturous"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Body Armours (Dlvl 55)

Команды правила: 15
Identified True
DropLevel >= 55
Rarity Rare
Class "Body Armours"
HasExplicitMod >=2 "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal"
HasExplicitMod "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Crocodile's" "Nautilus's" "Ibex's" "Ram's" "Exarch's" "of Tacati" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Body Armours (Dlvl 55)

Команды правила: 15
Identified True
Corrupted False
DropLevel >= 55
Rarity Rare
Class "Body Armours"
HasExplicitMod >=2 "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Crocodile's" "Nautilus's" "Ibex's" "Ram's" "Exarch's" "of Tacati" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Body Armours (Dlvl 55)

Команды правила: 14
Identified True
DropLevel >= 55
Rarity Rare
Class "Body Armours"
HasExplicitMod "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's"
HasExplicitMod >=5 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Crocodile's" "Nautilus's" "Ibex's" "Ram's" "Exarch's" "of Tacati" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Jewel

Команды правила: 12
Corrupted False
Identified True
Rarity <= Rare
Class "Jewel"
HasExplicitMod "Shimmering" "Vivid" "Stalwart" "Resplendent"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 40
SetBorderColor 30 140 255
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Blue Triangle
PlayEffect Blue

Rare Crimson Jewel

Команды правила: 13
Corrupted True
Identified True
CorruptedMods >= 1
Rarity Rare
BaseType "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel"
HasExplicitMod "of Combat" "of Archery" "of Mysticism" "of Blasting" "of Wounding" "Surging" "Arctic" "Infernal" "Puncturing" "Rupturing" "Piercing" "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of Potency" "of Demolishing" "of Unmaking" "of the Elements" "of Exsanguinating" "of Atrophy" "of Order" "Leadership"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 40
SetBorderColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Rare Jewel

Команды правила: 11
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Jewel"
HasExplicitMod >=3 "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of Potency" "of Entropy" "of Blasting" "of Berserking" "of Zeal" "of Resistance" "of Combat" "of Archery" "of Wounding" "of Enchanting" "Piercing" "Rupturing" "Puncturing" "Infernal" "Arctic" "Surging" "of the Elements" "of Unmaking" "Master's" "of Resilience" "Leadership"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 40
SetBorderColor 30 140 255
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Blue Triangle
PlayEffect Blue

aseDefencePercentile >= 95

Команды правила: 11
BaseType == "Vaal Regalia" "Astral Plate" "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Glorious Plate" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Bone Helmet" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Supreme Spiked Shield"
BaseDefencePercentile >= 95
Rarity = Rare
ItemLevel >= 86
SetBorderColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 120 0
SetTextColor 255 220 70
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow
SetFontSize 45

Rare Prismatic Jewel

Команды правила: 5
BaseType "Sacrificial Garb" "Prismatic Ring" "Prismatic Jewel" "Timeless Jewel" "Ornate Quiver" "Grasping Mail"
Rarity <= Rare
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40

Rare Quivers

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Quivers"
HasExplicitMod "Impaling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Mastery" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Rending" "Devastating"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "Impaling" "Lacerating" "Incisive" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Flaring" "Tempered" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of Mastery" "of Ease" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction" "of the Gale" "of Destruction" "of Rending"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Quivers

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Quivers"
HasExplicitMod "Impaling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Mastery" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Rending" "Devastating"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "Impaling" "Lacerating" "Incisive" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Flaring" "Tempered" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of Mastery" "of Ease" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Dissolution" "of the Gale" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rending" "of Incision" "of Penetrating"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
SetBorderColor 0 120 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

nique T1

Команды правила: 8
Rarity = Unique
BaseType "==" "Cabalist Regalia" "Champion Kite Shield" "Crusader Boots" "Engraved Greatsword" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Foul Staff" "Ghastly Eye Jewel" "Golden Buckler" "Greatwolf Talisman" "Karui Maul" "Papyrus Relic" "Prismatic Jewel" "Processional Relic" "Prophecy Wand" "Rawhide Boots" "Ring" "Riveted Boots" "Ruby Flask" "Siege Axe" "Slaughter Knife" "Unset Amulet"
SetBackgroundColor 50 230 100
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "Dryad1.wav"

Rare Amulet

Команды правила: 10
Class "Amulet"
Rarity = Rare
HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Pentagon
PlayEffect Purple Temp
SetFontSize 35

Rare Amulet (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 11
Class "Amulet"
Rarity = Rare
HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
ItemLevel >= 86
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Pentagon
PlayEffect Purple Temp
SetFontSize 38

Rare Turquoise Amulet (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 13
Class "Amulet"
BaseType == "Marble Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Jade Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Seaglass Amulet" "Unset Amulet"
Rarity = Rare
HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
ItemLevel <= 85
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 140 15 85 220
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
PlayAlertSound 4 300
MinimapIcon 1 Purple Pentagon
PlayEffect Purple Temp
SetFontSize 40

Rare Marble Amulet (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 13
Class "Amulet"
BaseType == "Marble Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Jade Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Seaglass Amulet" "Unset Amulet"
Rarity = Rare
HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
ItemLevel >= 86
SetTextColor 140 15 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 220
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
PlayAlertSound 4 300
MinimapIcon 0 Purple Pentagon
PlayEffect Purple
SetFontSize 42

Rare Rings

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Rings"
HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Quintessential" "Guatelitzi's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of the Ranger" "Ultramarine"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Quintessential" "Guatelitzi's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "of the Comet" "of Legerdemain" "of Expertise" "of Flames" "of Rime" "of Voltage" "Ultramarine" "Zaffre" "Blue"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
SetBorderColor 100 0 200
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Rings

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Rings"
HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Quintessential" "Guatelitzi's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of the Ranger" "Ultramarine"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Quintessential" "Guatelitzi's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "of the Comet" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of the Sniper" "Flaring" "Tempered" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "of Skill" "of Flames" "of Rime" "of Voltage"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
SetBorderColor 100 0 200
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Amulets

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Amulets"
HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "Unassailable" "Indomitable"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rage" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" "Cremating" "Entombing" "Electrocuting" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "Flaring" "Tempered"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
SetBorderColor 100 0 200
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Amulets

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Amulets"
HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Dissolution" "of the Multiverse" "Unassailable"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rage" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" "Cremating" "Entombing" "Electrocuting" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "Flaring" "Tempered"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
SetBorderColor 100 0 200
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Amulets

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Amulets"
HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "Unassailable" "Indomitable"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Destruction" "of Legerdemain" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Immolation" "of Floe" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
SetBorderColor 100 0 200
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Amulets

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Amulets"
HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Dissolution" "of the Multiverse" "Unassailable"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Destruction" "of Legerdemain" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Immolation" "of Floe" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
SetBorderColor 100 0 200
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Amulets

Команды правила: 13
Identified True
Rarity Rare
Class "Amulets"
HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "Unassailable" "Indomitable"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Legerdemain" "of Expertise" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Zaffre" "of Immolation" "of Flames" "of Floe" "of Rime" "of Discharge" "of Voltage" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Incision" "of Penetrating"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
SetBorderColor 100 0 200
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Item

Команды правила: 12
Identified True
Rarity Rare
HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Dissolution" "of the Multiverse" "Unassailable"
HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Legerdemain" "of Expertise" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Zaffre" "of Immolation" "of Flames" "of Floe" "of Rime" "of Discharge" "of Voltage" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Incision" "of Penetrating"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
SetBorderColor 100 0 200
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow

Rare Amulets

Команды правила: 14
Identified True
Corrupted False
Mirrored False
Rarity Rare
Class "Amulets"
HasExplicitMod "Exalter's"
SetTextColor 255 220 70
SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
SetBorderColor 100 0 200
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 12 200
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow


Команды правила: 8
Class "Gem"
BaseType "Empower" "Enhance" "Enlighten"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 255 180
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 42
CustomAlertSound "Abomination1.wav"

Enhance (Glvl 4)

Команды правила: 9
GemLevel = 4
Class "Gem"
BaseType "Empower" "Enhance" "Enlighten"
SetTextColor 30 160 155
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 30 160 155
SetFontSize 45
CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

Empower (Glvl 2)

Команды правила: 9
GemLevel >= 2
Class "Gem"
BaseType "Empower" "Enhance" "Enlighten"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 0 255 255 200
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 42
CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

Rare Astrolabe Amulet (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 86
Rarity = Rare
Class "Amulet"
BaseType "==" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Simplex Amulet"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

Magic Astrolabe Amulet (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 86
Rarity <= Magic
Class "Amulet"
BaseType "==" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Simplex Amulet"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Astrolabe Amulet

Команды правила: 8
Class "Amulet"
BaseType "==" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Simplex Amulet"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Rare Mechalarm Belt (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 86
Rarity = Rare
Class "Belt"
BaseType "==" "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Mechalarm Belt"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 43
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Triangle
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

Magic Micro-Distillery Belt (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 86
Rarity <= Magic
Class "Belt"
BaseType "==" "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Mechalarm Belt"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Diamond
PlayEffect Red


Micro-Distillery Belt

Команды правила: 8
Class "Belt"
BaseType "==" "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Mechalarm Belt"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Diamond
PlayEffect Red

Rare Geodesic Ring (Ilvl 84)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 84
Rarity = Rare
Class "Ring"
BaseType "==" "Cogwork Ring" "Geodesic Ring"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

Magic Geodesic Ring (Ilvl 84)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 84
Rarity <= Magic
Class "Ring"
BaseType "==" "Cogwork Ring" "Geodesic Ring"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red


Geodesic Ring

Команды правила: 8
Class "Ring"
BaseType "==" "Cogwork Ring" "Geodesic Ring"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Rare Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 86
Rarity = Rare
Class "Shield"
BaseType "==" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Endothermic Buckler" "Polar Buckler" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Exothermic Tower Shield" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

Magic Subsuming Spirit Shield (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 86
Rarity <= Magic
Class "Shield"
BaseType "==" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Endothermic Buckler" "Polar Buckler" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Exothermic Tower Shield" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Hexagon
PlayEffect Red


Magmatic Tower Shield

Команды правила: 8
Class "Shield"
BaseType "==" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Endothermic Buckler" "Polar Buckler" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Exothermic Tower Shield" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Square
PlayEffect Red

Rare Hedron Bow (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
Class "Bow"
BaseType "==" "Hedron Bow" "Foundry Bow" "Solarine Bow"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

Magic Solarine Bow (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity <= Magic
Class "Bow"
BaseType "==" "Hedron Bow" "Foundry Bow" "Solarine Bow"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Rare Shadow Fangs (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity = Rare
Class "Claw"
BaseType "==" "Shadow Fangs" "Malign Fangs" "Void Fangs" "Imperial Claw"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

Hedron Bow

Команды правила: 8
Class "Bow"
BaseType "==" "Hedron Bow" "Foundry Bow" "Solarine Bow"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Magic Malign Fangs (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity <= Magic
Class "Claw"
BaseType "==" "Shadow Fangs" "Malign Fangs" "Void Fangs"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Shadow Fangs

Команды правила: 8
Class "Claw"
BaseType "==" "Shadow Fangs" "Malign Fangs" "Void Fangs"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Rare Pneumatic Dagger (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity = Rare
Class "==" "Daggers"
BaseType "==" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Pressurised Dagger" "Pneumatic Dagger"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

Magic Hollowpoint Dagger (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity <= Magic
Class "==" "Daggers"
BaseType "==" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Pressurised Dagger" "Pneumatic Dagger"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Pneumatic Dagger

Команды правила: 8
Class "==" "Daggers"
BaseType "==" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Pressurised Dagger" "Pneumatic Dagger"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Rare Disapprobation Axe (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity = Rare
Class "One Hand Axe"
BaseType "==" "Maltreatment Axe" "Disapprobation Axe" "Psychotic Axe"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

Magic Psychotic Axe (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity <= Magic
Class "One Hand Axe"
BaseType "==" "Maltreatment Axe" "Disapprobation Axe" "Psychotic Axe"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Disapprobation Axe

Команды правила: 8
Class "One Hand Axe"
BaseType "==" "Maltreatment Axe" "Disapprobation Axe" "Psychotic Axe"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Magic Crack Mace (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity <= Magic
Class "One Hand Mace"
BaseType "==" "Flare Mace" "Crack Mace" "Boom Mace"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Rare Flare Mace (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity = Rare
Class "One Hand Mace"
BaseType "==" "Flare Mace" "Crack Mace" "Boom Mace"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

Boom Mace

Команды правила: 8
Class "One Hand Mace"
BaseType "==" "Flare Mace" "Crack Mace" "Boom Mace"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Magic Anarchic Spiritblade (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity <= Magic
Class "==" "One Hand Swords"
BaseType "==" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Anarchic Spiritblade"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Rare Anarchic Spiritblade (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity = Rare
Class "==" "One Hand Swords"
BaseType "==" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Anarchic Spiritblade"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

Fickle Spiritblade

Команды правила: 8
Class "==" "One Hand Swords"
BaseType "==" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Anarchic Spiritblade"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Rare Prime Cleaver (Ilvl 84)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 84
Rarity = Rare
Class "Two Hand Axe"
BaseType "==" "Prime Cleaver" "Honed Cleaver" "Apex Cleaver"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

Magic Prime Cleaver (Ilvl 84)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 84
Rarity <= Magic
Class "Two Hand Axe"
BaseType "==" "Prime Cleaver" "Honed Cleaver" "Apex Cleaver"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Crushing Force Magnifier

Команды правила: 8
Class "Two Hand Mace"
BaseType "Blunt Force Condenser" "Crushing Force Magnifier" "Impact Force Propagator"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Banishing Blade

Команды правила: 8
Class "Two Hand Sword"
BaseType "==" "Rebuking Blade" "Blasting Blade" "Banishing Blade"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Rare Blasting Blade (Ilvl 84)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 84
Rarity = Rare
Class "Two Hand Sword"
BaseType "==" "Rebuking Blade" "Blasting Blade" "Banishing Blade"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 4 300
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Magic Blasting Blade (Ilvl 84)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 84
Rarity <= Magic
Class "Two Hand Sword"
BaseType "==" "Rebuking Blade" "Blasting Blade" "Banishing Blade"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Rare Capacity Rod (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
Class "Warstaves"
BaseType "==" "Capacity Rod" "Potentiality Rod" "Eventuality Rod"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

Magic Capacity Rod (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity <= Magic
Class "Warstaves"
BaseType "==" "Capacity Rod" "Potentiality Rod" "Eventuality Rod"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Rare Congregator Wand (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
Class "Wand"
BaseType "==" "Assembler Wand" "Congregator Wand" "Accumulator Wand"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

Infernal Blade

Команды правила: 8
Class "==" "Rune Daggers"
BaseType "==" "Flickerflame Blade" "Flashfire Blade" "Infernal Blade"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Eventuality Rod

Команды правила: 8
Class "Warstaves"
BaseType "==" "Capacity Rod" "Potentiality Rod" "Eventuality Rod"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Magic Flashfire Blade (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity <= Magic
Class "==" "Rune Daggers"
BaseType "==" "Flickerflame Blade" "Flashfire Blade" "Infernal Blade"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Rare Flashfire Blade (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
Class "==" "Rune Daggers"
BaseType "==" "Flickerflame Blade" "Flashfire Blade" "Infernal Blade"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

Magic Oscillating Sceptre (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 10
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity <= Magic
Class "Sceptre"
BaseType "==" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Alternating Sceptre"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Rare Stabilising Sceptre (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 12
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
Class "Sceptre"
BaseType "==" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Alternating Sceptre"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

Stabilising Sceptre

Команды правила: 8
Class "Sceptre"
BaseType "==" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Alternating Sceptre"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Команды правила: 10
Class "Gems"
BaseType "Awakened"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "Artas8.wav"

6L Unique Item

Команды правила: 9
LinkedSockets = 6
Rarity = Unique
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "Artas8.wav"

Magic Congregator Wand (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 11
Class "Wand"
BaseType == "Assembler Wand" "Congregator Wand" "Accumulator Wand"
Rarity <= Magic
ItemLevel >= 85
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 4 200
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Unique Greatwolf Talisman

Команды правила: 10
Rarity = Unique
BaseType "Ambush Mitts" "Arcanist Gloves" "Blood Raiment" "Callous Mask" "Carnal Boots" "Clasped Mitts" "Crusader Boots" "Deerskin Gloves" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Gemstone Sword" "Glorious Plate" "Greatwolf Talisman" "Jewelled Foil" "Jingling Spirit Shield" "Legion Gloves" "Nubuck Boots" "The Wolven King's Bite" "Prismatic Jewel" "Prophecy Wand" "Rawhide Boots" "Riveted Gloves" "Ruby Amulet" "Ruby Flask" "Saint's Hauberk" "Sanctified Life Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Siege Axe" "Silk Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Vaal Rapier" "Wereclaw Talisman" "Wyrmscale Doublet" "Zodiac Leather" "Infernal Sword" "Assassin Bow" "Jewelled Foil" "Judgement Staff" "Prophecy Wand" "Despot Axe" "Siege Axe" "Serpentine Staff"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "TaurenReady1.wav"

Unique Rawhide Tower Shield

Команды правила: 10
Rarity = Unique
BaseType "Assassin's Boots" "Bismuth Flask" "Bronzescale Boots" "Callous Mask Piece" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Champion Kite Shield" "Close Helmet" "Cutlass" "Festival Mask" "Full Wyrmscale" "Grand Mana Flask" "Granite Flask" "Highborn Staff" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Imperial Maul" "Karui Maul" "Nightmare Mace" "Occultist's Vestment" "Rawhide Tower Shield" "Royal Axe" "Sacrificial Garb" "Savant's Robe" "Steel Ring" "Steelwood Bow" "Stibnite Flask" "Timeworn Claw" "Two-Stone Ring" "Vaal Blade" "Vaal Spirit Shield" "Varnished Coat"
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "TaurenYes3.wav"

Enlighten Support (Glvl 4)

Команды правила: 11
GemLevel = 4
Class "Gems"
BaseType "Empower Support" "Enlighten Support" "Enhance Support"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack1.wav"

Enhance Support

Команды правила: 10
Class "Gems"
BaseType "Empower Support" "Enlighten Support" "Enhance Support"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack1.wav"

Unique Timeless Jewel

Команды правила: 10
Rarity = Unique
Class "Jewel"
BaseType "Timeless Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Prismatic Jewel" "Viridian Jewel"
SetTextColor 150 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 2 Red Star
PlayEffect Brown
CustomAlertSound "DeathKnightYesAttack3.wav"

Unique Flasks

Команды правила: 9
Rarity = Unique
Class "Flasks"
SetTextColor 255 184 184
SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "SatyreYes2.wav"

Unique Item

Команды правила: 7
Rarity = Unique
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37
SetFontSize 38
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Diamond
PlayEffect Red

Rare Abyss Jewel

Команды правила: 7
Rarity <= Rare
Class "Abyss Jewel"
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 45
CustomAlertSound "Paladin1.wav"

Rare Stygian Vise

Команды правила: 7
Rarity <= Rare
Class "Belts"
BaseType "Stygian Vise"
SetTextColor 188 214 185
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 45

Breach Ring (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 8
ItemLevel >= 83
Class "Rings"
BaseType "Breach Ring"
SetTextColor 210 0 220
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 43
CustomAlertSound "MountanKing4.wav"

5L Item

Команды правила: 7
LinkedSockets = 5
SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
PlayEffect White Temp

6L Item

Команды правила: 8
LinkedSockets = 6
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "Artas8.wav"

6S Item

Команды правила: 8
Sockets = 6
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 White Hexagon
PlayEffect White
CustomAlertSound "Priest3.wav"

Normal Item

Команды правила: 6
SocketGroup "RGB"
Rarity = Normal
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255


Magic Item

Команды правила: 6
SocketGroup "RGB"
Rarity = Magic
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255


Rare Item

Команды правила: 6
SocketGroup "RGB"
Rarity = Rare
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255


Unique Item

Команды правила: 6
SocketGroup "RGB"
Rarity = Unique
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255


Normal Gavel

Команды правила: 3
Rarity = Normal
BaseType "Stone Hammer" "Rock Breaker" "Gavel"


Rare Gold Amulet (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity = Rare
Class "Rings" "Amulets"
BaseType "Amulet" "Ring" "Gold Amulet" "Iron Ring" "Gold Ring"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 255 255
SetFontSize 37
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Blue Temp
CustomAlertSound "HeroPaladinYes3.wav"

Rare Chain Belt (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 9
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity = Rare
Class "Belts"
BaseType "Chain Belt" "Cloth Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Leather Belt" "Studded Belt" "Crystal Belt" "Stygian Vise" "Rustic Sash"
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 180 96 0
MinimapIcon 2 Brown Circle
PlayEffect Brown Temp

Normal Jewel

Команды правила: 5
Rarity = Normal
Class "Jewel"
SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255


Magic Jewel

Команды правила: 5
Rarity = Magic
Class "Jewel"
SetTextColor 102 102 181 255
SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255


Rare Jewel

Команды правила: 6
Rarity = Rare
Class "Jewel"
SetTextColor 210 0 220
SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
CustomAlertSound "HeroPaladinYesAttack2.wav"

Labyrinth Map Item

Команды правила: 8
Class "Labyrinth Map Item" "Labyrinth Item" "Labyrinth Trinket"
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 2 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "HeroPaladinYesAttack3.wav"

Rod of Detonation

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Bane of the Loyal" "Cogs of Disruption" "Cube Of Absorption" "Heart of the Gargoyle" "Orb of Elemental Dispersion" "Portal Shredder" "Rod of Detonation" "Sand of Eternity"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasWhat2.wav"

Golden Key

Команды правила: 7
BaseType "Silver Key" "Treasure Key" "Golden Key"
SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 40 0 220
SetFontSize 42
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasYes2.wav"

Mortal Ignorance

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Mortal Ignorance" "Mortal Rage" "Mortal Grief" "Mortal Hope"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 43
MinimapIcon 1 Green Triangle
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "Peon1.wav"


Команды правила: 5
Class "Gems"
BaseType "Vaal"
SetTextColor 0 100 150 200
PlayEffect Blue Temp

Viridian Watchstone

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Cobalt Watchstone" "Golden Watchstone" "Ivory Watchstone" "Viridian Watchstone" "Crimson Watchstone"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "Grunt.wav"

10% Flasks

Команды правила: 3
Quality >= 10
Class "Flasks"


Utility Flasks

Команды правила: 3
Class "Utility Flasks"
SetTextColor 30 144 255


Unique Flasks

Команды правила: 7
Rarity = Unique
Class "Flasks"
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Circle
PlayEffect Brown

Quest Items

Команды правила: 8
Class "Quest Items"
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 74 230 58
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "MuradinYesAttack1.wav"

Rare Helmets (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 12
ElderItem True
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
Class "Belts" "Rings" "Boots" "Gloves" "Sceptres" "Wands" "Helmets" "Amulets" "Bow" "Staves" "Shields" "Axes" "Daggers" "Quivers"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasPissed4.wav"

Rare Citrine Amulet (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
BaseType "Jade Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Stygian Vise" "Rustic Sash"
SetTextColor 184 218 242
SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYes2.wav"

Rare Imbued Wand (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel = 86
Rarity = Rare
BaseType "Siege Axe" "Vaal Axe" "Fleshripper" "Exquisite Blade" "Harbinger Bow" "Maraketh Bow" "Thicket Bow" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Claw" "Coronal Maul" "Sai" "Sambar Sceptre" "Void Sceptre" "Eclipse Staff" "Maelström Staff" "Prophecy Wand" "Profane Wand" "Imbued Wand" "Convoking Wand"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Hexagon
PlayEffect Blue Temp
CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasPissed2.wav"

Rare Amber Amulet (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel = 86
Rarity = Rare
BaseType "Jade Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Stygian Vise" "Rustic Sash"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Hexagon
PlayEffect Blue Temp
CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasPissed2.wav"

Rare Opal Ring (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
BaseType "Opal Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Opal Ring"
SetTextColor 184 218 242
SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYes2.wav"

Rare Titanium Spirit Shield (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
BaseType "Two-Toned Boots" "Astral Plate" "Glorious Plate" "Assassin's Garb" "Zodiac Leather" "Vaal Regalia" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Harmonic Spirit Shield"
SetTextColor 184 218 242
SetBackgroundColor 170 158 130
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
PlayEffect Brown Temp
CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYes2.wav"

Rare Pinnacle Tower Shield (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel = 86
Rarity = Rare
BaseType "Two-Toned Boots" "Astral Plate" "Glorious Plate" "Assassin's Garb" "Zodiac Leather" "Vaal Regalia" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Harmonic Spirit Shield"
SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 170 158 130
SetBorderColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
PlayEffect Brown Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasPissed4.wav"

Rare Vanguard Belt (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
BaseType "Crystal Belt" "Vanguard Belt" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Marble Amulet"
SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYes2.wav"

Rare Fingerless Silk Gloves (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
BaseType "Spiked Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Bone Helmet"
SetTextColor 184 218 242
SetBackgroundColor 150 0 0
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYes2.wav"

Rare Daggers (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 12
ShaperItem True
ItemLevel >= 85
Rarity = Rare
Class "Belts" "Rings" "Boots" "Gloves" "Sceptres" "Wands" "Helmets" "Amulets" "Bow" "Staves" "Shields" "Axes" "Daggers" "Quivers"
SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Blue Temp
CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYesAttack2.wav"

Normal Maps (Tier 17)

Команды правила: 11
Class "Maps"
MapTier = 17
PlayAlertSound 5 300
Rarity >= Normal
SetFontSize 45
PlayEffect Purple
MinimapIcon 0 Purple Circle
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 170 15 180 200
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

Normal Sceptres (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 5
ItemLevel < 86
Rarity = Normal
Class "Rings" "Belts" "Gloves" "Amulets" "Shields" "Bow" "Swords" "Helmets" "Sceptres" "Wands"
SetFontSize 17


Magic Helmets (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 5
ItemLevel < 86
Rarity = Magic
Class "Rings" "Belts" "Gloves" "Amulets" "Shields" "Bow" "Swords" "Helmets" "Sceptres" "Wands"
SetFontSize 19


Rare Sceptres (Ilvl 81)

Команды правила: 5
ItemLevel < 82
Rarity = Rare
Class "Rings" "Belts" "Gloves" "Amulets" "Shields" "Bow" "Swords" "Helmets" "Sceptres" "Wands"
SetFontSize 18


Осада Задницы

Правила: 16

$type->exoticbases $tier->exoticheistbases

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Accumulator Wand" "Alternating Sceptre" "Anarchic Spiritblade" "Apex Cleaver" "Assembler Wand" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Banishing Blade" "Battery Staff" "Blasting Blade" "Blunt Force Condenser" "Boom Mace" "Capacity Rod" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Cogwork Ring" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Congregator Wand" "Crack Mace" "Crushing Force Magnifier" "Disapprobation Axe" "Endothermic Buckler" "Eventuality Rod" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Exothermic Tower Shield" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Flare Mace" "Flashfire Blade" "Flickerflame Blade" "Foundry Bow" "Geodesic Ring" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield" "Hedron Bow" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Honed Cleaver" "Impact Force Propagator" "Infernal Blade" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Malign Fangs" "Maltreatment Axe" "Mechalarm Belt" "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Pneumatic Dagger" "Polar Buckler" "Potentiality Rod" "Pressurised Dagger" "Prime Cleaver" "Psychotic Axe" "Rebuking Blade" "Reciprocation Staff" "Shadow Fangs" "Simplex Amulet" "Solarine Bow" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Transformer Staff" "Void Fangs"
SetTextColor 0 240 190 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255
SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond
PlayEffect Blue

%D4 $type->rare->exarch $tier->anyhigh

Команды правила: 8
Rarity = Rare
BaseType "==" "Crusader Boots" "Crusader Gloves" "Deicide Mask" "Dragonscale Boots" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Eternal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Murder Boots" "Murder Mitts" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Praetor Crown" "Royal Burgonet" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves"
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 50 130 165
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
PlayEffect Blue Temp

Rare Astral Plate

Команды правила: 11
BaseType == "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Vaal Regalia" "Glorious Plate" "Astral Plate" "Grasping Mail" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Bone Helmet"
Rarity <= Rare
HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 3
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetBackgroundColor 180 0 0
SetTextColor 255 255 255
PlayAlertSound 4 300
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
SetFontSize 42

Rare Two-Toned Boots (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 13
Class "Boots"
BaseType == "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots"
Rarity = Rare
HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 1
ItemLevel >= 86
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetTextColor 210 0 0
PlayAlertSound 4 300
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
SetFontSize 45

Rare Ring

Команды правила: 10
Class "Ring"
Rarity = Rare
HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
PlayEffect Purple
SetFontSize 40

Rare Ring (Ilvl 84)

Команды правила: 11
Class "Ring"
Rarity = Rare
HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
ItemLevel >= 84
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
PlayEffect Purple
SetFontSize 45

Rare Ruby Ring (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 9
ItemLevel <= 83
Rarity = Rare
Class "Ring"
BaseType "==" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Unset Ring" "Opal Ring" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Iolite Ring"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 140 15 85 220
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
SetFontSize 40

Rare Ruby Ring (Ilvl 84)

Команды правила: 9
ItemLevel >= 84
Rarity = Rare
Class "Ring"
BaseType "==" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Unset Ring" "Opal Ring" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Iolite Ring"
SetTextColor 140 15 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 220
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
SetFontSize 45

Rare Boots

Команды правила: 10
Class "Boots"
Rarity = Rare
HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
PlayEffect Purple
SetFontSize 40

Rare Boots (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 11
Class "Boots"
Rarity = Rare
HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
ItemLevel >= 86
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
PlayEffect Purple
SetFontSize 45

Rare Titan Greaves (Ilvl 85)

Команды правила: 9
ItemLevel <= 85
Rarity = Rare
Class "Boots"
BaseType "==" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 140 15 85 220
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
SetFontSize 40

Rare Titan Greaves (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 9
ItemLevel >= 86
Rarity = Rare
Class "Boots"
BaseType "==" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots"
SetTextColor 140 15 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 220
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
SetFontSize 45

Rare Imperial Claw (Ilvl 82)

Команды правила: 9
ItemLevel <= 82
Rarity = Rare
Class "Claw"
BaseType "==" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Claw"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 140 15 85 220
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
SetFontSize 40

Rare Claw (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 11
Class "Claw"
Rarity = Rare
HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
ItemLevel >= 83
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
PlayEffect Purple
SetFontSize 45

Rare Claw

Команды правила: 10
Class "Claw"
Rarity = Rare
HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
PlayEffect Purple
SetFontSize 40

Rare Imperial Claw (Ilvl 83)

Команды правила: 9
ItemLevel >= 83
Rarity = Rare
Class "Claw"
BaseType "==" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Claw"
SetTextColor 140 15 85
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 220
SetBorderColor 170 70 185
SetFontSize 45


Правила: 1

Archnemesis Mod

Команды правила: 9
Class "Archnemesis Mod"
SetTextColor 255 213 100
SetBackgroundColor 70 50 50 255
SetBorderColor 255 213 100
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Diamond
PlayEffect Yellow
CustomAlertSound "ForestTrollYes2.wav"

Лига Экспидиция в ад.

Правила: 4

Expedition Logbook

Команды правила: 9
Class "Expedition Logbook"
BaseType "Expedition Logbook"
SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 106 214
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
SetFontSize 45
PlayEffect Blue Temp
CustomAlertSound "ThrallYesAttack2.wav"

Растопляющая сфера

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Enkindling Orb" "Instilling Orb"
SetTextColor 250 67 32 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 250 67 32 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Hexagon
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "ThrallYes3.wav"

Валюта Экспедиции

Команды правила: 8
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Exotic Coinage" "Scrap Metal" "Astragali" "Burial Medallion"
SetTextColor 217 217 217
SetBackgroundColor 53 53 53 250
SetBorderColor 71 71 71 255
SetFontSize 45
CustomAlertSound "ThrallYes2.wav"

Артефакты Экспедиции

Команды правила: 8
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Broken Circle Artifact" "Black Scythe Artifact" "Order Artifact" "Sun Artifact"
SetTextColor 122 161 189
SetBackgroundColor 53 53 53 250
SetBorderColor 71 71 71 255
SetFontSize 45
CustomAlertSound "ThrallYes2.wav"


Правила: 6

Rare Imp Crown (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 86
Rarity = Rare
Class "Helmets"
BaseType "Blizzard Crown" "Winter Crown" "Gale Crown" "Archdemon Crown" "Demon Crown" "Imp Crown" "Atonement Mask" "Penitent Mask" "Sorrow Mask"
SetTextColor 255 190 0
SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
CustomAlertSound "TichondriusYes1.wav"

Rare Stormrider Boots (Ilvl 86)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 86
Rarity = Rare
Class "Boots"
BaseType "Dreamquest Slippers" "Cloudwhisper Boots" "Brimstone Treads" "Nightwind Slippers" "Windbreak Boots" "Darksteel Treads" "Duskwalk Slippers" "Stormrider Boots" "Basemetal Treads"
SetTextColor 255 190 0
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
CustomAlertSound "TichondriusYes2.wav"

Duskwalk Slippers

Команды правила: 9
Class "Boots"
BaseType "Dreamquest Slippers" "Cloudwhisper Boots" "Brimstone Treads" "Nightwind Slippers" "Windbreak Boots" "Darksteel Treads" "Duskwalk Slippers" "Stormrider Boots" "Basemetal Treads"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
PlayAlertSound 4 100
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Blood-filled Vessel

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Ritual Vessel" "Blood-filled Vessel"
SetTextColor 255 155 120
SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
SetBorderColor 255 155 120
SetFontSize 40

Ritual Splinter

Команды правила: 6
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Ritual Splinter"
SetTextColor 255 155 120
SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
SetFontSize 38

Archdemon Crown

Команды правила: 8
Class "Helmets"
BaseType "Blizzard Crown" "Winter Crown" "Gale Crown" "Archdemon Crown" "Demon Crown" "Imp Crown" "Atonement Mask" "Penitent Mask" "Sorrow Mask"
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
CustomAlertSound "TichondriusYes3.wav"

Лига кража

Правила: 10

Unique Replica

Команды правила: 7
Rarity = Unique
SetBackgroundColor 231 180 120
SetBorderColor 180 96 0
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Star
PlayEffect Red

Rogue's Marker

Команды правила: 8
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Rogue's Marker"
SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128 255
SetFontSize 38
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green

Tailoring Orb

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Prime Regrading Lens" "Secondary Regrading Lens" "Tempering Orb" "Tailoring Orb"
SetTextColor 200 250 105
SetBackgroundColor 200 85 0
SetBorderColor 0 255 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"


Команды правила: 9
Class "Trinket"
BaseType "==" "Thief's Trinket"
SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 231 180 120
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 37
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Brown


Команды правила: 7
Class Quest Item
BaseType "Contract"
SetFontSize 40
SetBorderColor 75 230 60
SetTextColor 75 230 60
PlayEffect Green

Rare Oscillating Sceptre (Ilvl 84)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 84
Rarity = Rare
Class "Sceptre"
BaseType "==" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Alternating Sceptre"
SetTextColor 255 190 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 1 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "BanditPissed3.wav"

Rogue Equipment

Команды правила: 8
Class "Heist Cloak" "Heist Brooch" "Heist Tool" "Heist Gear"
SetTextColor 184 218 242
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 39
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditPissed1.wav"

Heist Target

Команды правила: 8
Class "Heist Target"
SetTextColor 255 150 65 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 150 65 255
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Star
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes1.wav"


Команды правила: 9
Class "Contract"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes1.wav"


Команды правила: 9
Class "Blueprint"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 180 96 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 0 Green Hexagon
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes1.wav"

Симулятор Фермера

Правила: 5

Harbinger Scroll

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Time-light Scroll" "Fragmentation Scroll" "Deregulation Scroll" "Electroshock Scroll" "Haemocombustion Scroll" "Specularity Scroll"
SetTextColor 50 230 100
SetBackgroundColor 180 96 0
SetBorderColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Brown Temp
CustomAlertSound "PeasantPissed3.wav"

Посвящение богине

Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragment"
BaseType "Dedication to the Goddess"
SetTextColor 32 195 187
SetBackgroundColor 50 20 20
SetBorderColor 31 199 190
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 0 White Star
PlayEffect White
CustomAlertSound "PeonPissed1.wav"

Дар богине

Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragment"
BaseType "Gift to the Goddess"
SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYes1.wav"

Infused Engineer's Orb

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Infused Engineer's Orb"
SetTextColor 128 0 128 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 0 255
SetBorderColor 250 67 32 255
SetFontSize 38
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Hexagon
PlayEffect Yellow Temp
CustomAlertSound "Dryad1.wav"

Дань богине

Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragment"
BaseType "Tribute to the Goddess"
SetTextColor 255 200 0
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 215 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 0 White Star
PlayEffect White
CustomAlertSound "Dryad1.wav"


Правила: 8

Unique Cluster Jewel

Команды правила: 10
Rarity = Unique
Class "Jewel"
BaseType "Cluster Jewel"
SetTextColor 30 144 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "PeasantPissed3.wav"

Small Cluster Jewel

Команды правила: 8
Class "Jewel"
BaseType "Medium Cluster Jewel" "Large Cluster Jewel" "Small Cluster Jewel"
SetTextColor 231 180 120
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 231 180 120
SetFontSize 40
CustomAlertSound "PeonPissed1.wav"

Large Cluster Jewel (Ilvl 82)

Команды правила: 11
ItemLevel >= 82
Class "Jewel"
BaseType "Medium Cluster Jewel" "Large Cluster Jewel" "Small Cluster Jewel"
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 1 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "PeonPissed1.wav"

Cartographer's Delirium Orb

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Skittering Delirium Orb" "Cartographer's Delirium Orb" "Blighted Delirium Orb"
SetTextColor 30 144 255
SetBackgroundColor 54 100 146
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255
SetFontSize 39
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "PriestPissed5.wav"

Singular Delirium Orb

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Thaumaturge's Delirium Orb" "Obscured Delirium Orb" "Timeless Delirium Orb" "Diviner's Delirium Orb" "Fossilised Delirium Orb" "Fragmented Delirium Orb" "Foreboding Delirium Orb" "Singular Delirium Orb" "Fine Delirium Orb"
SetTextColor 255 192 203
SetBackgroundColor 54 100 146
SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Blue Square
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "PriestYesAttack2.wav"

Delirium Orb

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Delirium Orb"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "SatyreYes4.wav"


Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragment"
BaseType "Simulacrum"
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 White Star
PlayEffect White
CustomAlertSound "SorceressPissed1.wav"

Simulacrum Splinter

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Simulacrum Splinter"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 2 White Square
PlayEffect White
CustomAlertSound "SatyreYes4.wav"

Лига Скверна : Bright

Правила: 6

Abrasive Catalyst

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Imbued Catalyst" "Abrasive Catalyst" "Tempering Catalyst" "Fertile Catalyst" "Prismatic Catalyst" "Intrinsic Catalyst" "Turbulent Catalyst"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
SetFontSize 38
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Star
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "AcolyteWhat5.wav"

Golden Oil

Команды правила: 9
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Golden Oil" "Silver Oil"
SetTextColor 255 215 0
SetBorderColor 170 158 130
SetFontSize 43
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
PlayEffect Yellow
CustomAlertSound "AcolyteWhat5.wav"

Tainted Oil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Tainted Oil"
SetTextColor 255 165 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 65 65 15 225
SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond
PlayEffect Yellow
CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

Opalescent Oil

Команды правила: 9
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Black Oil" "Opalescent Oil" "Crimson Oil"
SetTextColor 255 165 0 255
SetBorderColor 170 158 130
SetFontSize 37
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
PlayEffect Brown
CustomAlertSound "AcolyteWhat5.wav"

Violet Oil

Команды правила: 9
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Amber Oil" "Azure Oil" "Clear Oil" "Sepia Oil" "Teal Oil" "Verdant Oil" "Violet Oil"
SetTextColor 255 165 0 255
SetBorderColor 150 0 0
SetFontSize 37
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
PlayEffect Brown
CustomAlertSound "AcolyteWhat5.wav"


Команды правила: 9
BlightedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 255 119
SetBorderColor 175 96 37
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
PlayEffect White
CustomAlertSound "Abomination1.wav"


Правила: 51

Maven's Invitation: The Atlas

Команды правила: 7
Class "Misc Map Items"
BaseType "Maven's Invitation: The Formed" "Maven's Invitation: The Twisted" "Maven's Invitation: The Forgotten" "Maven's Invitation: The Hidden" "Maven's Invitation: The Feared" "Writhing Invitation" "Screaming Invitation" "Polaric Invitation" "Incandescent Invitation" "Maven's Invitation: The Atlas" "Maven's Invitation: The Elderslayers"
SetTextColor 255 105 105
SetBackgroundColor 45 5 60
SetBorderColor 255 105 105
SetFontSize 45

The Maven's Writ

Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragment"
BaseType "The Maven's Writ"
SetTextColor 255 105 105
SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
SetBorderColor 255 105 105
MinimapIcon 2 Red Cross
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Cross
PlayEffect Red

Crescent Splinter

Команды правила: 8
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Crescent Splinter"
SetTextColor 255 105 105
SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Red Cross
PlayEffect Red

Omniscient Voidstone

Команды правила: 8
Class "Atlas Upgrade Item"
BaseType == "Ceremonial Voidstone" "Decayed Voidstone" "Grasping Voidstone" "Omniscient Voidstone"
SetFontSize 45
SetBorderColor 75 230 60
SetTextColor 75 230 60
MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
PlayEffect Green

Synthesised Map

Команды правила: 11
Rarity = Unique
Class "Maps"
BaseType "Synthesised Map"
SetTextColor 90 50 30
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 175 95 35
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Star
PlayEffect Brown
CustomAlertSound "BanditYes1.wav"

Orb of Unmaking

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "==" "Orb of Unmaking"
SetTextColor 200 255 100
SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0
SetBorderColor 0 255 0
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "SatyreYes4.wav"

Awakened Sextant

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "==" "Awakened Sextant"
SetTextColor 0 100 0
SetBackgroundColor 155 185 60 255
SetBorderColor 0 255 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
CustomAlertSound "GoblinZeppelinYes4.wav"

Elevated Sextant

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "==" "Elevated Sextant"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 119
SetBorderColor 0 100 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ForestTrollYes4.wav"

Scouting Report

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Scouting Report"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 119
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green


Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Compass"
SetTextColor 50 230 100
SetBackgroundColor 120 120 120 200
SetBorderColor 0 255 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green


Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Cartographer's Seal" "Unshaping Orb"
SetTextColor 0 100 150 200
SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
SetBorderColor 0 100 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green

Unique Harbinger Map

Команды правила: 11
Rarity = Unique
Class "Maps"
BaseType "Chateau Map" "Courtyard Map" "Harbinger Map" "Maze Map" "Museum Map"
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 165 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Star
PlayEffect Brown Temp
CustomAlertSound "CryptFiendYes3.wav"

Unique Cursed Crypt Map

Команды правила: 11
Rarity = Unique
Class "Maps"
BaseType "Cemetery Map" "Cursed Crypt Map" "Moon Temple Map" "Reef Map" "Shore Map" "Temple Map"
SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "CryptFiendYes4.wav"

Unique Maps

Команды правила: 7
Rarity = Unique
Class "Maps"
SetBorderColor 180 96 0
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Brown
CustomAlertSound "DeathKnightWhat4.wav"

Maps (Tier 1)

Команды правила: 7
MapTier = 1
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 44

Maps (Tier 2)

Команды правила: 7
MapTier = 2
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 44

Maps (Tier 3)

Команды правила: 7
MapTier = 3
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 44

Maps (Tier 4)

Команды правила: 7
MapTier = 4
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 44

Maps (Tier 5)

Команды правила: 7
MapTier = 5
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 44

Maps (Tier 6)

Команды правила: 7
MapTier = 6
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 227 227 141 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 200 0
SetFontSize 44

Maps (Tier 7)

Команды правила: 7
MapTier = 7
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 206 206 89 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 200 0
SetFontSize 44

Maps (Tier 8)

Команды правила: 7
MapTier = 8
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 150 150 69 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 200 0
SetFontSize 44

Maps (Tier 9)

Команды правила: 7
MapTier = 9
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 229 229 28 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 200 0
SetFontSize 44

Maps (Tier 10)

Команды правила: 7
MapTier = 10
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 255 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 200 0
SetFontSize 44

Maps (Tier 11)

Команды правила: 10
MapTier = 11
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

Maps (Tier 12)

Команды правила: 10
MapTier = 12
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

Maps (Tier 13)

Команды правила: 10
MapTier = 13
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 79 79 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

Maps (Tier 14)

Команды правила: 10
MapTier = 14
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 232 136 136 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

Maps (Tier 15)

Команды правила: 10
MapTier = 15
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

Maps (Tier 16)

Команды правила: 10
MapTier = 16
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

Maps (Tier 1)

Команды правила: 6
MapTier >= 1
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255

Vaal Temple Map (Tier 16)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 16
Class "Maps"
BaseType "Lair of the Hydra Map" "Maze of the Minotaur Map" "Pit of the Chimera Map" "Forge of the Phoenix Map" "Vaal Temple Map"
SetTextColor 210 0 220
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "ShamanYesAttack1.wav"


Команды правила: 10
ElderMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 166 166 247 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Blue Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack5.wav"


Команды правила: 10
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack5.wav"

Maps (Tier 11)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier >= 11
ElderMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 152 152 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Blue Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack6.wav"

Maps (Tier 16)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 16
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 15)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 15
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 14)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 14
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 13)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 13
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 12)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 12
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 11)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 11
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 10)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 10
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 9)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 9
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 8)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 8
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 7)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 7
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 6)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 6
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 5)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 5
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 4)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 4
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 3)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 3
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 2)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 2
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

Maps (Tier 1)

Команды правила: 11
MapTier = 1
ShapedMap True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"


Правила: 1

Metamorph Lung

Команды правила: 10
Class "Metamorph Sample"
BaseType "Metamorph Eye" "Metamorph Liver" "Metamorph Lung" "Metamorph Heart" "Metamorph Brain"
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBackgroundColor 255 215 0
SetBorderColor 120 175 30 255
SetFontSize 36
MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star
PlayEffect Brown
CustomAlertSound "AcolyteWhat5.wav"

Лига: Зверьё

Правила: 2


Команды правила: 9
Identified True
HasExplicitMod "of Farrul" "of Craiceann" "of Fenumus" "of Saqawal"
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 40 0 220
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "ArthasPissed4.wav"

Imprinted Bestiary Orb

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Bestiary Orb" "Imprinted Bestiary Orb"
SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Brown Temp

Лига Вмешательство:

Правила: 5

Vial of Awakening

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Vial of Awakening" "Vial of Sacrifice" "Vial of the Ghost"
SetTextColor 150 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack2.wav"

Stone of Passage

Команды правила: 9
Class "Incursion Item"
BaseType "Stone of Passage" "Flashpowder Keg"
SetTextColor 50 230 100
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 1 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasPissed2.wav"

Vial of Transcendence

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Vial of Dominance" "Vial of Consequence" "Vial of Fate" "Vial of Summoning" "Vial of the Ritual" "Vial of Transcendence"
SetTextColor 150 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 38
MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack2.wav"

Rare Item

Команды правила: 4
Identified True
Rarity = Rare
HasExplicitMod "Tacati's" "Citaqualotl's" "Matatl's" "Topotante's" "Xopec's" "Guatelitzi's" "of Puhuarte"

Magic Item

Команды правила: 4
Identified True
Rarity = Magic
HasExplicitMod "Tacati's" "Citaqualotl's" "Matatl's" "Topotante's" "Xopec's" "Guatelitzi's" "of Puhuarte"

Лига Легион

Правила: 4

Fine Incubator

Команды правила: 9
Class "Incubator"
BaseType "Abyssal Incubator" "Cartographer's Incubator" "Celestial Armoursmith's Incubator" "Celestial Blacksmith's Incubator" "Celestial Jeweller's Incubator" "Diviner's Incubator" "Eldritch Incubator" "Enchanted Incubator" "Fine Incubator" "Foreboding Incubator" "Fossilised Incubator" "Fragmented Incubator" "Gemcutter's Incubator" "Infused Incubator" "Mysterious Incubator" "Obscured Incubator" "Ornate Incubator" "Otherworldly Incubator" "Primal Incubator" "Singular Incubator" "Skittering Incubator" "Thaumaturge's Incubator" "Time-Lost Incubator" "Whispering Incubator" "Geomancer's Incubator"
SetTextColor 50 230 100
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Triangle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "UtherYes3.wav"

Timeless Templar Emblem

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Timeless Karui Emblem" "Timeless Maraketh Emblem" "Timeless Templar Emblem" "Timeless Vaal Emblem" "Timeless Eternal Emblem"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "UtherYes3.wav"

Unique Jewel

Команды правила: 3
Rarity = Unique
Class "Jewel"

Timeless Vaal Splinter

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Timeless Karui Splinter" "Timeless Maraketh Splinter" "Timeless Vaal Splinter" "Timeless Templar Splinter" "Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter"
SetTextColor 210 0 220
SetBorderColor 255 255 119
SetFontSize 39
MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Circle
PlayEffect Yellow
CustomAlertSound "UtherYes3.wav"

Шмот Синтез лиги

Правила: 3


Команды правила: 9
FracturedItem True
SetTextColor 184 218 242
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 White Circle
PlayEffect White Temp
CustomAlertSound "Archer1.wav"


Команды правила: 9
SynthesisedItem True
SetTextColor 184 218 242
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 White Circle
PlayEffect White Temp
CustomAlertSound "Archer1.wav"


Команды правила: 8
AnyEnchantment True
SetTextColor 185 185 245
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 White Star
PlayEffect White
CustomAlertSound "Archer1.wav"

Лига предательства

Правила: 4


Команды правила: 8
Identified True
HasExplicitMod "Veil" "Leo's Veiled" "Catarina's Veiled" "Elreon's Veiled" "Gravicius' Veiled" "Guff's Veiled" "Haku's Veiled" "It That Fled's Veiled" "Korell's Veiled" "Rin's Veiled" "Tora's Veiled" "Vagan's Veiled" "Vorici's Veiled"
SetTextColor 255 40 0 220
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 White Square
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "Tyrande1.wav"


Команды правила: 8
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Scarab"
SetTextColor 231 180 120
SetFontSize 43
MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "Uther1.wav"


Команды правила: 7
Identified True
HasExplicitMod "Veil"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
SetBorderColor 150 0 0
SetFontSize 35

Unique Item

Команды правила: 8
Rarity = Unique
HasExplicitMod "Veil"
SetBackgroundColor 255 192 203
SetBorderColor 74 0 160 200
SetFontSize 39
MinimapIcon 1 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red

Лига шахтеры

Правила: 32


Команды правила: 6
Class "Leaguestones"
SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
SetFontSize 43
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
PlayEffect Yellow


Команды правила: 7
HasExplicitMod "of Crafting" "of Spellcraft" "of Weaponcraft" "of the Underground" "Subterranean"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 40
CustomAlertSound "Dryad1.wav"

Ancient Reliquary Key

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "Timeworn Reliquary Key" "Ancient Reliquary Key"
SetTextColor 150 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 231 180 120
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "HeroDreadlord1.wav"


Команды правила: 9
Class "Delve Socketable Currency" "Delve Stackable Socketable Currency"
BaseType "Resonator"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 0 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow
CustomAlertSound "Kotik.wav"

Prime Alchemical Resonator

Команды правила: 9
Class "Delve Socketable Currency"
BaseType "Prime Alchemical Resonator"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "Grunt.wav"

Prime Chaotic Resonator

Команды правила: 9
Class "Delve Socketable Currency"
BaseType "Prime Chaotic Resonator"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 242 64 64 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Triangle
PlayEffect Yellow
CustomAlertSound "Tichondrius2.wav"

Fundamental Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Hollow Fossil" "Fundamental Fossil"
SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 119
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "RiflemanPissed5.wav"

Fractured Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Fractured Fossil"
SetTextColor 145 68 68 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "Paladin3.wav"

Bloodstained Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Bloodstained Fossil"
SetTextColor 173 173 173
SetBackgroundColor 255 40 0 220
SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "Knight.wav"

Faceted Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Faceted Fossil"
SetTextColor 231 180 120
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "Abomination1.wav"

Glyphic Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Glyphic Fossil"
SetTextColor 255 192 203
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 127 127 127
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "Illidan1.wav"

Sanctified Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Sanctified Fossil"
SetTextColor 50 230 100
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 50 230 100
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 White Star
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

Tangled Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Tangled Fossil"
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 74 230 58
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

Dense Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Dense Fossil"
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 74 230 58
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

Gilded Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Gilded Fossil"
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 74 230 58
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

Pristine Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Pristine Fossil"
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 74 230 58
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

Serrated Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Serrated Fossil"
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 74 230 58
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

Prismatic Fossil

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Prismatic Fossil"
SetTextColor 74 230 58
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 74 230 58
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

Shuddering Fossil

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Lucent Fossil" "Corroded Fossil" "Scorched Fossil" "Metallic Fossil" "Jagged Fossil" "Frigid Fossil" "Bound Fossil" "Aberrant Fossil" "Shuddering Fossil" "Aetheric Fossil"
SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 35
CustomAlertSound "PeonAttack.wav"


Команды правила: 4
HasExplicitMod "Tacati's" "of Tacati" "Citaqualotl's" "of Citaqualotl" "Matatl's" "of Matatl" "Topotante's" "Xopec's" "Guatelitzi's" "of Guatelitzi"
SetTextColor 208 32 144
SetFontSize 40

Stone of Passage

Команды правила: 9
Class "Incursion Item"
BaseType "Stone of Passage"
SetTextColor 210 0 220
SetBorderColor 74 230 58
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Circle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "WithDoctor.wav"

Flashpowder Keg

Команды правила: 9
Class "Incursion Item"
BaseType "Flashpowder Keg"
SetTextColor 210 0 220
SetBorderColor 74 230 58
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Circle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "WithDoctor.wav"

Necromancy Net

Команды правила: 8
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Necromancy Net"
SetTextColor 154 111 204 200
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 2 Brown Circle

Thaumaturgical Net

Команды правила: 8
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Thaumaturgical Net"
SetTextColor 154 111 204 200
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 199 89 89
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 2 Brown Circle

Strong Steel Net

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Strong Steel Net"
SetTextColor 154 111 204 200
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 150 0 0
SetFontSize 43

Reinforced Steel Net

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Reinforced Steel Net"
SetTextColor 154 111 204 200
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 150 0 0
SetFontSize 37

Simple Steel Net

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Simple Steel Net"
SetTextColor 154 111 204 200
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 150 0 0
SetFontSize 33

Strong Iron Net

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Strong Iron Net"
SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40

Strong Rope Net

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Strong Rope Net"
SetTextColor 28 28 219 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 36

Simple Iron Net

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Simple Iron Net"
SetTextColor 76 76 250 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 36

Reinforced Rope Net

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Reinforced Rope Net"
SetTextColor 157 157 201 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 36

Simple Rope Net

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Simple Rope Net"
SetTextColor 157 157 201 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 36


Правила: 57

Reflecting Mist

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Reflecting Mist"
PlayAlertSound 13 300
SetFontSize 42
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 230 255 180
SetBorderColor 0 255 0
PlayEffect Green
MinimapIcon 0 White Star

Orb of Alchemy

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "==" "Orb of Alchemy" "Orb of Binding" "Blessed Orb"
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green

Greater Eldritch Ichor

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "==" "Lesser Eldritch Ember" "Greater Eldritch Ember" "Lesser Eldritch Ichor" "Greater Eldritch Ichor"
SetTextColor 30 144 255
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 36
MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Yellow
CustomAlertSound "ForestTrollYes1.wav"


Команды правила: 9
BaseType == "Imprint"
PlayAlertSound 6 200
SetFontSize 45
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 100 0
SetBackgroundColor 200 255 100
PlayEffect Green
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond

Oubliette Reliquary Key

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "Ancient Reliquary Key" "Timeworn Reliquary Key" "Vaal Reliquary Key" "Forgotten Reliquary Key" "Visceral Reliquary Key" "Shiny Reliquary Key" "Archive Reliquary Key" "Oubliette Reliquary Key" "Cosmic Reliquary Key" "Decaying Reliquary Key" "Voidborn Reliquary Key"
PlayAlertSound 5 300
SetFontSize 45
SetTextColor 255 100 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 255 100 0
PlayEffect Orange
MinimapIcon 0 Orange Diamond

Enkindling Orb

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "==" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Instilling Orb" "Enkindling Orb"
SetTextColor 175 200 130
SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
PlayEffect Green Temp
CustomAlertSound "ForestTrollYes2.wav"

Exceptional Eldritch Ember

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "==" "Exceptional Eldritch Ember" "Exceptional Eldritch Ichor"
SetTextColor 200 200 200
SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
SetBorderColor 0 255 0
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 0 Green Hexagon
PlayEffect Brown Temp
CustomAlertSound "SatyreYes1.wav"

Grand Eldritch Ember

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "==" "Grand Eldritch Ember" "Grand Eldritch Ichor"
SetTextColor 210 205 120
SetBackgroundColor 0 50 0
SetBorderColor 0 255 0
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ForestTrollYes2.wav"

Vaal Reliquary Key

Команды правила: 10
Class "Misc Map Items"
BaseType "Vaal Reliquary Key"
SetTextColor 255 165 0
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 215 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Hexagon
PlayEffect Yellow
CustomAlertSound "Archer1.wav"

Stacked Deck

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "Stacked Deck"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 136 136 255
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 0 White Triangle
PlayEffect White
CustomAlertSound "CaptainYesAttack1.wav"


Команды правила: 6
Class "Piece"
SetTextColor 231 180 120
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 43
CustomAlertSound "Jaina2.wav"

Pantheon Soul

Команды правила: 6
Class "Pantheon Soul"
SetTextColor 217 173 141
SetBorderColor 255 40 0 220
SetFontSize 41
CustomAlertSound "Jaina.wav"

Mirror Shard

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Mirror Shard"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "Shaman2.wav"

Exalted Shard

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Exalted Shard"
SetTextColor 150 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 204 204
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Star
PlayEffect Brown
CustomAlertSound "Shaman2.wav"

Alteration Shard

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Transmutation Shard" "Alteration Shard"
SetTextColor 54 100 146
SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 45
CustomAlertSound "Muradin2.wav"


Divine Vessel

Команды правила: 9
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Divine Vessel"
SetTextColor 229 0 229 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 42
MinimapIcon 2 Green Circle
CustomAlertSound "HeroTauren1.wav"


Команды правила: 8
Class "Leaguestones"
BaseType "Leaguestone"
SetTextColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "Grom.wav"

Albino Rhoa Feather

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Eternal Orb" "Albino Rhoa Feather" "Fishing Rod"
SetTextColor 136 136 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 0 255
SetBorderColor 150 0 0
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 1 Blue Hexagon
PlayEffect Yellow

Mirror of Kalandra

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Exalted Orb" "Mirror of Kalandra"
SetTextColor 255 40 0 220
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 128 0 128 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "HeroArchmagePissed1.wav"

Crusader's Exalted Orb

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Crusader's Exalted Orb" "Redeemer's Exalted Orb" "Hunter's Exalted Orb" "Warlord's Exalted Orb" "Eldritch Exalted Orb"
SetTextColor 255 40 0 220
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 128 0 128 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

Awakener's Orb

Команды правила: 11
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "==" "Awakener's Orb" "Orb of Conflict" "Orb of Dominance" "Sacred Orb"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 5 300
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

Ancient Reliquary Key

Команды правила: 9
Class "Misc Map Items"
BaseType "Ancient Reliquary Key"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect White Temp
CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

Timeworn Reliquary Key

Команды правила: 9
Class "Misc Map Items"
BaseType "Timeworn Reliquary Key"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect White Temp
CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

Esh's Breachstone

Команды правила: 8
Class "Misc Map Items"
BaseType "Chayula's Breachstone" "Esh's Breachstone" "Xoph's Breachstone" "Uul-Netol's Breachstone" "Tul's Breachstone"
SetTextColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "Head.wav"

Splinter of Xoph

Команды правила: 9
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Splinter of Chayula" "Splinter of Esh" "Splinter of Tul" "Splinter of Uul-Netol" "Splinter of Xoph"
SetTextColor 230 77 237
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 1 Blue Circle
CustomAlertSound "Head2.wav"


Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Blessing"
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 128 0 128 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "Grove1.wav"


Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Splinter"
SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 217 99 217 255
SetFontSize 44
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "Grove1.wav"


Команды правила: 8
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Essence"
SetTextColor 30 144 255
SetBackgroundColor 184 218 242
SetFontSize 42
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "Farser.wav"

Remnant of Corruption

Команды правила: 8
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Remnant of Corruption"
SetTextColor 30 144 255
SetBackgroundColor 184 218 242
SetFontSize 42
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "Farser.wav"

Scroll of Wisdom

Команды правила: 5
BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128 255
SetFontSize 28

Exalted Shard

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Ancient Shard" "Mirror Shard" "Exalted Shard"
SetTextColor 208 32 144
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Brown Temp
CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

Chaos Shard

Команды правила: 7
BaseType "Chaos Shard" "Harbinger's Shard" "Mirror Shard"
SetTextColor 150 0 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Brown Temp
CustomAlertSound "DemonHunterMorphedYes5.wav"

Valdo's Puzzle Box

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType == "Valdo's Puzzle Box"
PlayAlertSound 5 300
SetFontSize 45
SetTextColor 140 165 55 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 140 165 55 255
PlayEffect Green
MinimapIcon 0 Green Star

Divine Orb

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Divine Orb"
SetTextColor 175 96 37
SetBackgroundColor 231 180 120
SetFontSize 43
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWhat5.wav"

Orb of Alteration

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "Orb of Chance" "Orb of Alteration"
SetTextColor 30 144 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
PlayEffect White Temp
CustomAlertSound "HeadHunterYesAttack1.wav"

Vaal Orb

Команды правила: 7
BaseType "Vaal Orb"
SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 43
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "RiflemanYes1.wav"


Команды правила: 9
BaseType "Orb of Regret" "Orb of Unmaking" "Imprint"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
PlayEffect White Temp
CustomAlertSound "Artas9.wav"

Gemcutter's Prism

Команды правила: 7
BaseType "Gemcutter's Prism"
SetTextColor 50 230 100
SetFontSize 39
MinimapIcon 2 Green Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYes1.wav"

2x Enkindling Orb

Команды правила: 10
StackSize >= 2
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "==" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Instilling Orb" "Enkindling Orb"
SetTextColor 175 200 130
SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37
SetBorderColor 255 255 119
SetFontSize 38
MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green Temp

Chaos Orb

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Orb of Alchemy" "Orb of Binding" "Chaos Orb" "Chaos Shard"
SetTextColor 255 165 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 40 0 220
SetFontSize 43
MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Circle
PlayEffect Yellow
CustomAlertSound "HeroBlademasterYes4.wav"

Enkindling Orb

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType == "Instilling Orb" "Enkindling Orb"
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 175 200 130
SetBackgroundColor 0 65 0
SetBorderColor 0 255 0
PlayEffect Green Temp
MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond

ided on UEG

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType == "Glassblower's Bauble"
SetFontSize 38
SetTextColor 175 200 130
SetBackgroundColor 0 65 0
SetBorderColor 0 255 0
PlayEffect Green Temp
MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond

Blessed Orb

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Blessed Orb"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 43
MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Circle
PlayEffect Yellow
CustomAlertSound "HeroBlademasterWarcry1.wav"

Chromatic Orb

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "Chromatic Orb"
SetTextColor 50 230 100
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 36
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "GromYes3.wav"

Regal Orb

Команды правила: 7
BaseType "Regal Orb"
SetTextColor 54 100 146
SetBorderColor 184 218 242
SetFontSize 39
MinimapIcon 1 White Hexagon
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYes4.wav"

Orb of Annulment

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Orb of Annulment"
SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 37
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Blue Temp
CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack4.wav"

Maven's Chisel of Proliferation

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType == "Maven's Chisel of Procurement" "Maven's Chisel of Proliferation" "Maven's Chisel of Divination" "Maven's Chisel of Scarabs" "Maven's Chisel of Avarice"
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 100 0
SetBackgroundColor 200 255 100
PlayEffect Green
MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond

Harbinger's Orb

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "Harbinger's Orb"
SetTextColor 27 162 155
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Triangle
PlayEffect Blue Temp
CustomAlertSound "Artas7.wav"

Ancient Orb

Команды правила: 7
BaseType "Ancient Orb"
SetTextColor 150 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
MinimapIcon 1 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "ArthasPissed7.wav"

Otherworldly Scouting Report

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType == "Otherworldly Scouting Report"
SetTextColor 140 165 55 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 140 165 55 255
SetFontSize 42
PlayAlertSound 5 300
MinimapIcon 0 Green Diamond
PlayEffect Green

Orb of Augmentation

Команды правила: 7
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Glassblower's Bauble" "Orb of Augmentation" "Orb of Horizons" "Engineer's Orb"
SetTextColor 200 200 200
SetBorderColor 231 180 120
SetFontSize 39
MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon

Cartographer's Chisel

Команды правила: 10
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Cartographer's Seal" "Cartographer's Chisel"
SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 2 Brown Circle
PlayEffect Brown Temp
CustomAlertSound "Mortal.wav"

Awakened Sextant

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Awakened Sextant" "Elevated Sextant"
SetTextColor 210 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 43
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red Temp
CustomAlertSound "MortarTeamReady1.wav"

Unshaping Orb

Команды правила: 5
BaseType "Unshaping Orb" "Imprint"
SetTextColor 74 0 160 200
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
PlayEffect Green Temp

Orb of Fusing

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Orb of Fusing"
SetTextColor 127 127 127
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
PlayEffect White Temp
CustomAlertSound "illidan2.wav"

Orb of Scouring

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Orb of Scouring"
SetTextColor 200 200 200
SetBorderColor 184 218 242
SetFontSize 37
MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
PlayEffect White
CustomAlertSound "illidan.wav"

Jeweller's Orb

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Jeweller's Orb"
SetTextColor 200 200 200
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 41
MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
PlayEffect Blue Temp
CustomAlertSound "Gyrocopter2.wav"


Правила: 22

3 Omens

Команды правила: 10
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Omen of"
SetTextColor 240 150 180
SetBackgroundColor 70 30 65
SetBorderColor 240 150 180
SetFontSize 38
PlayAlertSound 1 100
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red


Команды правила: 10
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Omen of Amelioration" "Omen of Blanching" "Omen of the Jeweller"
SetTextColor 240 150 180
SetBackgroundColor 125 25 115
SetBorderColor 240 150 180
SetFontSize 42
PlayAlertSound 1 200
MinimapIcon 1 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red

1 Omens

Команды правила: 10
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Omen of Fortune" "Omen of Connections"
SetTextColor 185 40 90
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 240 150 180
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 5 300
MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red


Команды правила: 10
Class "Gem"
BaseType "Awakened"
SetTextColor 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 17 85 132
SetBorderColor 0 255 255
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 5 300
PlayEffect Cyan
MinimapIcon 0 Cyan Pentagon

3 Tattoo

Команды правила: 10
Class "Currency"
BaseType "Tattoo of"
SetTextColor 190 255 245
SetBackgroundColor 50 105 120
SetBorderColor 190 255 245
SetFontSize 38
PlayAlertSound 1 100
MinimapIcon 2 Cyan Diamond
PlayEffect Cyan Temp

House of Mirrors

Команды правила: 8
Class "Divination Card"
BaseType "==" "House of Mirrors" "The Immortal" "The Demon" "The Doctor" "The Fiend" "The Nurse" "Unrequited Love" "The Patient" "The Apothecary" "Seven Years Bad Luck" "The Shieldbearer" "The Price of Devotion" "The Insane Cat" "The Sephirot" "Divine Beauty" "Brother's Gift" "The Fortunate"
SetTextColor 30 144 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 250
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 43
CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasPissed2.wav"

2 Tattoo

Команды правила: 10
Class "Currency"
BaseType == "Tattoo of the Hinekora Storyteller" "Tattoo of the Ramako Archer" "Tattoo of the Ramako Fleetfoot" "Tattoo of the Rongokurai Turtle" "Tattoo of the Valako Shieldbearer"
SetTextColor 165 240 235
SetBackgroundColor 50 145 150
SetBorderColor 190 255 245
SetFontSize 42
PlayAlertSound 1 200
MinimapIcon 1 Cyan Diamond
PlayEffect Cyan

1 Tattoo

Команды правила: 10
Class "Currency"
BaseType == "Journey Tattoo of the Body" "Journey Tattoo of the Mind" "Journey Tattoo of the Soul" "Tattoo of the Ngamahu Warmonger" "Tattoo of the Ramako Shaman" "Tattoo of the Tasalio Warrior" "Tattoo of the Tawhoa Shaman" "Tattoo of the Tukohama Warcaller"
SetTextColor 115 200 195
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 190 255 245
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 5 300
MinimapIcon 0 Cyan Diamond
PlayEffect Cyan

Silver Coin

Команды правила: 6
BaseType "Silver Coin"
SetTextColor 255 200 0
SetBackgroundColor 120 120 120 200
SetFontSize 40
PlayEffect Green

Hinekora's Lock

Команды правила: 10
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "Hinekora's Lock"
SetTextColor 255 192 203
SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 1 Blue Square
PlayEffect Brown Temp
CustomAlertSound "Artas8.wav"

Sacrifice at Noon

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "Sacrifice at Dusk" "Sacrifice at Dawn" "Sacrifice at Noon" "Sacrifice at Midnight"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 10 0 125 200
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 40
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "ArthasWhat3.wav"

lder Fragments

Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Fragment of Enslavement" "Fragment of Eradication" "Fragment of Constriction" "Fragment of Purification"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 60 115 225 225
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "ArthasPissed4.wav"

onquerors Fragments

Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Al-Hezmin's Crest" "Baran's Crest" "Drox's Crest" "Veritania's Crest"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 175 80 40 225
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Circle
PlayEffect Brown
CustomAlertSound "Artas8.wav"

Fragment of the Chimera

Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Fragment of the Chimera"
SetTextColor 255 43 4 220
SetBackgroundColor 107 0 112
SetBorderColor 210 0 220
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "SatyreYesAttack1.wav"

Fragment of the Hydra

Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Fragment of the Hydra"
SetTextColor 12 79 31
SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Green Triangle
PlayEffect Green
CustomAlertSound "SatyreWarcry1.wav"

Fragment of the Phoenix

Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Fragment of the Phoenix"
SetTextColor 255 255 119
SetBackgroundColor 150 97 0 255
SetBorderColor 255 165 0 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Brown Triangle
PlayEffect Brown
CustomAlertSound "SatyreReady1.wav"

Fragment of the Minotaur

Команды правила: 10
Class "Map Fragments"
BaseType "Fragment of the Minotaur"
SetTextColor 224 96 0
SetBackgroundColor 59 40 5 255
SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 White Triangle
PlayEffect White
CustomAlertSound "SatyreYesAttack3.wav"

Pride of the First Ones

Команды правила: 10
Class "Divination Card"
BaseType "House of Mirrors" "Beauty Through Death" "The Life Thief" "The Doctor" "The Fiend" "The Immortal" "The Spark and the Flame" "Hunter's Reward" "The Samurai's Eye" "Mawr Blaidd" "The Celestial Stone" "Immortal Resolve" "The Mayor" "Alluring Bounty" "The World Eater" "Pride of the First Ones" "Dark Dreams" "Imperial Legacy" "The Damned" "Nook's Crown" "Pride of the First Ones" "The Spark and the Flame" "Alluring Bounty" "Void of the Elements" "Immortal Resolve" "Seven Years Bad Luck"
SetTextColor 128 0 128 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
PlayEffect Red
CustomAlertSound "PriestPissed6.wav"

Dark Dreams

Команды правила: 10
Class "Divination Card"
BaseType "Seven Years Bad Luck" "Abandoned Wealth" "The Nurse" "The Vast" "The Queen" "Wealth and Power" "The Dragon's Heart" "The Saint's Treasure" "The Professor" "The Sephirot" "The Undisputed" "The Artist" "Heterochromia" "The Landing" "The Undaunted" "Boon of the First Ones" "The Hale Heart" "Bowyer's Dream" "Pride Before the Fall" "The Brittle Emperor" "The Risk" "The Hoarder" "The Seeker" "Alone in the Darkness" "Arrogance of the Vaal" "Perfection" "The Last One Standing" "Burning Blood" "The Life Thief" "The Spark and the Flame" "The Celestial Justicar" "Pride Before the Fall" "The Deep Ones" "The Mayor" "Echoes of Love" "Buried Treasure" "The Celestial Stone" "The Price of Loyalty" "The Eye of Terror" "The Samurai's Eye" "Mawr Blaidd" "Remembrance" "Wealth and Power" "Azyran's Reward" "The Bargain" "The Celestial Justicar" "The Soul" "The Landing" "Dark Dreams" "Blessing of God" "The Hoarder" "The Hale Heart" "Lucky Deck" "The Wolven King's Bite" "The King's Heart" "Council of Cats" "Azyran's Reward" "The Soul" "The Eldritch Decay" "The Bargain" "The Ethereal" "Etched in Blood" "Blessing of God" "The Damned" "The Cursed King" "The Polymath" "Pride Before the Fall" "The Life Thief" "Void of the Elements" "The Saint's Treasure" "The Eye of Terror" "The Escape" "The Craving" "The Offering" "The Enlightened" "The Queen" "The Celestial Justicar" "Seven Years Bad Luck" "Hunter's Reward" "The Price of Loyalty" "Wealth and Power" "The Spark and the Flame" "The Strategist" "Abandoned Wealth" "The Dragon's Heart" "Pride of the First Ones" "The Progeny of Lunaris"
SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 210 0 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 Blue Square
PlayEffect Blue
CustomAlertSound "MuradinPissed7.wav"

The Enlightened

Команды правила: 10
Class "Divination Card"
BaseType "The Enlightened" "The Master" "The Thaumaturgist" "The King's Heart" "The Cacophony" "The Polymath" "The Valkyrie" "The Sacrifice" "The Wind" "The Dreamer" "The Messenger" "The Void" "The Ethereal" "The Jester" "The Mad King" "The Valley of Steel Boxes" "Time-Lost Relic" "Chaotic Disposition" "The Celestial Justicar" "The Journey" "The Porcupine" "Lucky Deck" "Blessing of God" "Monochrome" "Harmony of Souls" "The Dapper Prodigy" "Lucky Deck" "The Dark Mage" "The World Eater" "Rebirth" "Last Hope" "The Warlord" "The Price of Protection" "The Insatiable" "The Avenger" "Left to Fate" "The Endless Darkness" "Emperor of Purity" "Merciless Armament" "The Darkest Dream" "The Innocent" "The Jeweller's Boon" "The Last One Standing" "The Offering" "The Penitent" "The Road to Power" "The Throne" "The Lord of Celebration" "The Tyrant" "The Fletcher" "The Formless Sea" "Dialla's Subjugation" "Humility" "Lingering Remnants" "The Admirer" "The Harvester" "The Wilted Rose" "The Spoiled Prince" "No Traces" "The One With All" "Sambodhi's Vow" "The Surveyor" "The Golden Era" "The Wretched" "Birth of the Three" "A Dab of Ink" "Atziri's Arsenal" "Hope" "Jack in the Box" "Lucky Connections" "Scholar of the Seas" "The Chains that Bind" "The Cursed King" "The Eye of the Dragon" "The Inventor" "The Rite of Elements" "The Twilight Moon" "The Body" "The Poet" "The Aesthete" "Lost Worlds" "Vinia's Token" "The Standoff" "The Union" "Audacity" "Blind Venture" "Boon of Justice" "Boundless Realms" "Call to the First Ones" "Coveted Possession" "Dark Temptation" "Death" "Dying Anguish" "Emperor's Luck" "Forbidden Power" "Gemcutter's Promise" "Gift of the Gemling Queen" "Glimmer of Hope" "Grave Knowledge" "Hubris" "Hunter's Resolve" "Light and Truth" "Lysah's Respite" "Might is Right" "Mitts" "Prosperity" "Rats" "The Arena Champion" "The Army of Blood" "The Battle Born" "The Beast" "The Blazing Fire" "The Calling" "The Cataclysm" "The Conduit" "The Deceiver" "The Demoness" "The Doppelganger" "The Dreamland" "The Drunken Aristocrat" "The Encroaching Darkness" "The Endurance" "The Explorer" "The Fathomless Depths" "The Feast" "The Forsaken" "The Fox" "The Gambler" "The Garish Power" "The Gladiator" "The Lich" "The Lion" "The Lord in Black" "The Master Artisan" "The Mercenary" "The Oath" "The Obscured" "The Pack Leader" "The Pact" "The Puzzle" "The Realm" "The Ruthless Ceinture" "The Scavenger" "The Scholar" "The Soul" "The Stormcaller" "The Summoner" "The Sun" "The Survivalist" "The Sword King's Salute" "The Tower" "The Traitor" "The Trial" "The Visionary" "The Watcher" "The Witch" "The Wolf's Shadow" "The Wolverine" "The Wrath" "Three Voices" "Tranquillity" "Treasure Hunter" "Turn the Other Cheek" "Volatile Power" "Doedre's Madness" "Earth Drinker" "The Opulent" "The Siren" "The Betrayal" "The Dragon" "The Gemcutter" "The Sigil" "The Scarred Meadow" "Rain Tempter" "The Coming Storm" "Anarchy's Price" "The Metalsmith's Gift" "Three Faces in the Dark" "The Web" "The Rabid Rhoa" "The Catalyst" "Assassin's Favour" "The Lunaris Priestess" "The Gentleman" "The Twins" "The Surgeon" "Cartographer's Delight" "Shard of Fate" "Destined to Crumble" "Loyalty" "A Mother's Parting Gift" "Her Mask" "Lantador's Lost Love" "Rain of Chaos" "The Flora's Gift" "The Hermit" "The Incantation" "The Inoculated" "The King's Blade" "The Lover" "The Warden" "Thunderous Skies" "Struck by Lightning" "The Carrion Crow" "The Hunger" "The Wolf's Shadow" "Seven Years Bad Luck" "The Dapper Prodigy" "The Risk" "The Artist" "The Formless Sea" "The Landing" "The Vast" "The Ethereal" "Left to Fate" "The Master" "The Sephirot" "Bowyer's Dream" "Dark Dreams" "Earth Drinker" "Emperor of Purity" "Harmony of Souls" "The Seeker" "The Hale Heart" "The Warlord" "The Throne" "Buried Treasure" "Humility" "Rebirth" "The Journey" "The Price of Protection" "The Thaumaturgist" "Time-Lost Relic" "Vanity" "Demigod's Wager" "The Jester" "The Tyrant" "Boon of Justice" "Dialla's Subjugation" "Gift of the Gemling Queen" "Lucky Deck" "Lysah's Respite" "Sambodhi's Vow" "The Dark Mage" "The Fool" "The Forsaken" "The Inventor" "The Cartographer" "The Cartographer" "Akil's Prophecy" "The Journey" "Arrogance of the Vaal"
SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
PlayEffect White Temp
CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasYesAttack2.wav"

Divination Card

Команды правила: 9
Class "Divination Card"
SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetBorderColor 30 144 255
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
PlayEffect White Temp
CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasYesAttack2.wav"

Map Fragments

Команды правила: 6
Class "Map Fragments"
SetTextColor 200 200 200
SetBorderColor 200 200 200
MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
PlayEffect Blue

Озера Печали

Правила: 2

Mirrored Tablet

Команды правила: 8
BaseType "==" "Mirrored Tablet"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 160 160 160
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 0 White Hexagon
PlayEffect White

Niko's Memory

Команды правила: 9
BaseType == "Niko's Memory" "Alva's Memory" "Kirac's Memory" "Einhar's Memory"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 100 65 185 225
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 7 300
MinimapIcon 0 Purple Diamond
PlayEffect Purple


Правила: 8

ided on EG EGP UEG

Команды правила: 7
Scourged True
Rarity <= Rare
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 35



Команды правила: 10
Scourged True
Rarity <= Rare
Sockets = 6
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 220 220 220
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 75
SetBorderColor 220 220 220
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

1 Rare

Команды правила: 9
Scourged True
BaseType "Marble Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Jade Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Seaglass Amulet" "Unset Amulet" "Stygian Vise" "Rustic Sash" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Crystal Belt" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Unset Ring" "Opal Ring" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Iolite Ring" "Dusk Ring" "Penumbra Ring" "Gloam Ring" "Tenebrous Ring" "Shadowed Ring" "Bone Ring" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Vile Arrow Quiver" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Vaal Regalia" "Astral Plate" "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Glorious Plate" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Bone Helmet" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Maraketh Bow" "Spine Bow" "Thicket Bow" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Claw" "Ambusher" "Siege Axe" "Behemoth Mace" "Corsair Sword" "Jewelled Foil" "Spiraled Foil" "Vaal Axe" "Fleshripper" "Coronal Maul" "Exquisite Blade" "Maelström Staff" "Judgement Staff" "Copper Kris" "Golden Kris" "Platinum Kris" "Void Sceptre" "Opal Sceptre" "Eclipse Staff" "Convoking Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Imbued Wand"
Rarity <= Rare
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 38
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Tainted Blessing

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "Tainted Blessing"
PlayAlertSound 7 100
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 80 0 0 200
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
MinimapIcon 1 Red Cross
PlayEffect Red

Unique Item

Команды правила: 9
Scourged True
Rarity = Unique
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 4 300
PlayEffect Brown
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Star

Rare Item

Команды правила: 8
HasCruciblePassiveTree True
Rarity <= Rare
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 38
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Unique Item

Команды правила: 9
HasCruciblePassiveTree True
Rarity = Unique
SetFontSize 45
SetTextColor 240 110 0
SetBorderColor 175 95 35
SetBackgroundColor 40 20 20
PlayEffect Brown Temp
MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star


Команды правила: 9
Class == "Charms" "Corpses"
SetFontSize 45
SetTextColor 235 255 223 255
SetBackgroundColor 110 145 95 180
SetBorderColor 5 55 0
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 1 Green Star
PlayEffect Green

Лига Пиратов

Правила: 4

An Audience With The King

Команды правила: 8
Class "Map Fragment"
BaseType "An Audience With The King"
SetTextColor 136 136 255
SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
CustomAlertSound "DeathKnightYesAttack3.wav"

Runes T2

Команды правила: 6
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType "==" "Life Rune" "Sun Rune" "Bound Rune" "War Rune" "River Rune" "Bounty Rune" "Journey Rune" "Mountain Rune" "Time Rune"
SetTextColor 208 32 144
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45


Команды правила: 9
Class "Gold"
BaseType "Gold"
SetTextColor 200 255 100
SetBorderColor 255 255 119
SetFontSize 32
MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Square
PlayEffect Yellow Temp
CustomAlertSound "ReceiveGold.wav"

Runes T1

Команды правила: 9
Class "Stackable Currency"
BaseType == "Power Rune"
SetTextColor 210 235 255
SetBackgroundColor 200 120 20
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 45
PlayEffect Orange
MinimapIcon 0 Orange Diamond

Скрытый трешак

Правила: 12

Rare Item

Команды правила: 3
Rarity = Rare
SetFontSize 23


Magic Item

Команды правила: 3
Rarity = Magic
SetFontSize 26


Normal Item

Команды правила: 4
Rarity = Normal
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetFontSize 25



Команды правила: 10
Scourged True
Class "Maps"
SetTextColor 185 150 150 255
SetBackgroundColor 85 55 55 230
SetBorderColor 185 150 150 255
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 7 300
MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
PlayEffect Red

2 Rare #Hided on EG EGP UEG

Команды правила: 8
Scourged True
Rarity <= Rare
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 35
MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

1 Rare

Команды правила: 9
Scourged True
BaseType "Marble Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Jade Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Seaglass Amulet" "Unset Amulet" "Stygian Vise" "Rustic Sash" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Crystal Belt" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Unset Ring" "Opal Ring" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Iolite Ring" "Dusk Ring" "Penumbra Ring" "Gloam Ring" "Tenebrous Ring" "Shadowed Ring" "Bone Ring" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Vile Arrow Quiver" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Vaal Regalia" "Astral Plate" "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Glorious Plate" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Bone Helmet" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Maraketh Bow" "Spine Bow" "Thicket Bow" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Claw" "Ambusher" "Siege Axe" "Behemoth Mace" "Corsair Sword" "Jewelled Foil" "Spiraled Foil" "Vaal Axe" "Fleshripper" "Coronal Maul" "Exquisite Blade" "Maelström Staff" "Judgement Staff" "Copper Kris" "Golden Kris" "Platinum Kris" "Void Sceptre" "Opal Sceptre" "Eclipse Staff" "Convoking Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Imbued Wand" "Calling Wand" "Convening Wand"
Rarity <= Rare
SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 38
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red


Команды правила: 10
Scourged True
Rarity <= Rare
Sockets = 6
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 220 220 220
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 75
SetBorderColor 220 220 220
MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
PlayEffect Red

Unique Item

Команды правила: 9
Scourged True
Rarity = Unique
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 40 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 4 300
PlayEffect Brown
MinimapIcon 1 Brown Star

Tainted Blessing

Команды правила: 9
BaseType "Tainted Blessing"
PlayAlertSound 7 100
SetFontSize 40
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 80 0 0 200
SetBorderColor 255 255 255
MinimapIcon 1 Red Cross
PlayEffect Red

Tainted Armourer's Scrap

Команды правила: 6
BaseType == "Tainted Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Tainted Armourer's Scrap"
SetTextColor 255 100 100
SetBorderColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 35
PlayEffect Red Temp

Tainted Chromatic Orb

Команды правила: 8
BaseType == "Tainted Chaos Orb" "Tainted Chromatic Orb" "Tainted Orb of Fusing" "Tainted Jeweller's Orb"
SetTextColor 255 100 100
SetBackgroundColor 70 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 40
MinimapIcon 1 Red Diamond
PlayEffect Red

Tainted Exalted Orb

Команды правила: 9
BaseType == "Tainted Exalted Orb" "Tainted Mythic Orb" "Tainted Divine Teardrop"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 230 230
SetBorderColor 255 0 0
SetFontSize 45
PlayAlertSound 5 300
MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond
PlayEffect Red

Глобальные настройки


Содержимое фильтра

Оригинал фильтра предметов в текстовом виде

# Всем привет. Это Мой Warcraft 3 фильтр. Надеюсь вам понравится!!

# Section: Рарные шмотки | Rarity items

	Identified True
	DropLevel >= 55
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Shields"
	HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Vigorous" "Fecund"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of Life-giving" "of Recuperation" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of the Keeper" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "of Resolve" "of the Citadel" "of the Sentinel" "of the Buttress" "of the Bastion" "of the Barricade" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Revitalization" "of Rebounding" "of Obstruction" "of Interference" "of Deadening" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Vigorous" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Xoph's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Tul's" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Esh's" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Nirvana" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "Unmoving" "Abating" "Lissome" "Adroit" "Adaptable" "Resilient" "Saintly" "Consecrated" "Apparition's" "Eidolon's" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Victor's" "Sturdy" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Shields"
	HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Xoph's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Tul's" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Esh's" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Unmaking"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of Life-giving" "of Recuperation" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of the Keeper" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "of Resolve" "of the Citadel" "of the Sentinel" "of the Buttress" "of the Bastion" "of the Barricade" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Revitalization" "of Rebounding" "of Obstruction" "of Interference" "of Deadening" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Vigorous" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Xoph's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Tul's" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Esh's" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Nirvana" "of Ruin" "of Calamity" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	DropLevel >= 55
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Shields"
	HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Unmoving" "Abating" "Lissome" "Adroit" "Adaptable" "Resilient" "Saintly" "Consecrated" "Apparition's" "Eidolon's" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Victor's" "Sturdy" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Vigorous" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "of the Citadel" "of the Sentinel" "of the Bastion" "of Obstruction" "of Interference" "of Everlasting" "of Youth"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of Life-giving" "of Recuperation" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of the Keeper" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "of Resolve" "of the Citadel" "of the Sentinel" "of the Buttress" "of the Bastion" "of the Barricade" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Revitalization" "of Rebounding" "of Obstruction" "of Interference" "of Deadening" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Vigorous" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "of the Ranger" "of Mastery" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Victor's" "Sturdy" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unmoving" "Abating" "Lissome" "Adroit" "Adaptable" "Resilient" "Saintly" "Consecrated" "Apparition's" "Eidolon's" "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Shields"
	HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Blazing" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Topotante's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of Life-giving" "of Recuperation" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of the Keeper" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Will" "of Fortitude" "of Resolve" "of the Citadel" "of the Sentinel" "of the Buttress" "of the Bastion" "of the Barricade" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Revitalization" "of Rebounding" "of Obstruction" "of Interference" "of Deadening" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of the Deathless" "of Harmony" "of the Lightning Rod" "of the Mammoth" "of the Solar Storm" "of Unmaking" "Vigorous" "Incandescent" "Scintillating" "Blazing" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Lithomancer's" "Mad Lord's" "Thunderhand's" "Frost Singer's" "Flame Shaper's" "Runic" "Glyphic" "Incanter's" "Xoph's" "Pyroclastic" "Magmatic" "Tul's" "Cryomancer's" "Crystalline" "Esh's" "Ionising" "Smiting" "of Nirvana" "of Ruin" "of Calamity"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	DropLevel >= 55
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand" "Two Hand" "Wands" "Warstaves"
	HasExplicitMod "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Cruel" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's"
	HasExplicitMod >=3 "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Flaring" "Dictator's" "Emperor's" "of Celebration" "of Incision" "of Dissolution" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Corrupted False
	DropLevel >= 55
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Bows" "Claws" "Daggers" "One Hand" "Two Hand" "Wands" "Warstaves"
	HasExplicitMod "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Cruel" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's"
	HasExplicitMod >=2 "Merciless" "Tyrannical" "Flaring" "Dictator's" "Emperor's" "of Celebration" "of Incision" "of Dissolution" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Many" "of Tacati" "Tacati's"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Boots"
	HasExplicitMod "Hellion's" "Cheetah's"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "Blazing" "Seething" "Pulsing" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Hellion's" "Cheetah's" "Matatl's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Boots"
	HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Hellion's" "Cheetah's"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Sturdy" "Durable" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Illusory" "Unreal" "Enveloped" "Encased" "Elusory" "Vaporous" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Beatified" "Hallowed" "Spirit's" "Cherub's" "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Hellion's" "Cheetah's" "Matatl's" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Gloves"
	HasExplicitMod "Blazing" "Seething" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Athlete's" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated "
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "Zaffre" "Blazing" "Seething" "Pulsing" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Gloves"
	HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Virile" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated "
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Snuffing" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of Grandmastery" "of Mastery" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "Zaffre" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Sturdy" "Durable" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Illusory" "Unreal" "Enveloped" "Encased" "Elusory" "Vaporous" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Beatified" "Hallowed" "Spirit's" "Cherub's" "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "of Puhuarte" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated "
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Helmets"
	HasExplicitMod >=2 "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Blazing" "Seething" "Necromancer's"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of Puhuarte" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "Necromancer's" "Summoner's" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of Recuperation" "Blazing" "Seething" "Pulsing" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Priest's" "Abbot's" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Fecund" "Athlete's"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

Show #Hided on EGP UEG
	Rarity <= Rare
	HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 2
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	MinimapIcon 2 Red Pentagon
	PlayEffect Red
#	DisableDropSound
	SetFontSize 38

	Rarity <= Rare
	HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 5
	ItemLevel >= 86
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
	SetTextColor 210 0 0
	PlayAlertSound 4 300
	MinimapIcon 0 Red Pentagon
	PlayEffect Red
	SetFontSize 45

	BaseType == "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Vaal Regalia" "Glorious Plate" "Astral Plate" "Grasping Mail" "Sadist Garb" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Bone Helmet" "Giantslayer Helmet" "Majestic Pelt" "Lich's Circlet" "General's Helmet" "Conqueror's Helmet" "Dire Pelt" "Grizzly Pelt" "Moonlit Circlet" "Sunfire Circlet" "Knight Helm" "Conquest Helmet" "Haunted Bascinet" "Faithful Helmet" "Paladin Crown" "Divine Crown" "Jester Mask" "Ancient Mask" "Torturer's Mask" "Leviathan Gauntlets" "Velour Gloves" "Warlock Gloves" "Precursor Gauntlets" "Harpyskin Gloves" "Sage Gloves" "Chimerascale Gauntlets" "Wyvernscale Gauntlets" "Martyr Gloves" "Paladin Gloves" "Infiltrator Mitts" "Phantom Mitts" "Leviathan Greaves" "Velour Boots" "Warlock Boots" "Precursor Greaves" "Harpyskin Boots" "Sage Slippers" "Chimerascale Boots" "Wyvernscale Boots" "Martyr Boots" "Paladin Boots" "Infiltrator Boots" "Phantom Boots" "Royal Plate" "Syndicate's Garb" "Twilight Regalia" "Necrotic Armour" "Titan Plate" "Legion Plate" "Supreme Leather" "Astral Leather" "Arcane Vestment" "Nightweave Robe" "Full Wyvernscale" "Marshall's Brigandine" "Conquest Lamellar" "Grand Ringmail" "Paladin's Hauberk" "Sacred Chainmail" "Sanguine Raiment" "Torturer Garb"
	Rarity <= Rare
	HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 3
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetBackgroundColor 180 0 0
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	PlayAlertSound 4 300
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Pentagon
	PlayEffect Red
	SetFontSize 42

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Helmets"
	HasExplicitMod "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Necromancer's" "of Everlasting" "of Youth"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of Puhuarte" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "Necromancer's" "Summoner's" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Revoking" "of Ardour" "of Buffering" "of Dispersal" "of Lioneye" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Everlasting" "of Youth" "of Vivification" "of Recuperation" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Sturdy" "Durable" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Illusory" "Unreal" "Enveloped" "Encased" "Elusory" "Vaporous" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Beatified" "Hallowed" "Spirit's" "Cherub's" "Abbot's" "Prior's" "Ram's" "Fawn's" "Nautilus's" "Urchin's" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	DropLevel >= 55
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Body Armours"
	HasExplicitMod >=2 "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "Unfaltering" "Unassailable" "Indomitable" "Seraphim's" "Djinn's" "Bishop's" "Priest's" "Exarch's" "Abbot's" "of Tacati" "Prime" "Rapturous"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 40 0
	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	DropLevel >= 55
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Body Armours"
	HasExplicitMod >=2 "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal"
	HasExplicitMod "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Crocodile's" "Nautilus's" "Ibex's" "Ram's" "Exarch's" "of Tacati" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal"
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	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Corrupted False
	DropLevel >= 55
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Body Armours"
	HasExplicitMod >=2 "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Crocodile's" "Nautilus's" "Ibex's" "Ram's" "Exarch's" "of Tacati" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal"
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	Identified True
	DropLevel >= 55
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Body Armours"
	HasExplicitMod "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's"
	HasExplicitMod >=5 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "Guatelitzi's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Convalescence" "of the Conservator" "of the Protector" "of Nullification" "of Abjuration" "of Second Wind" "of Vigour" "Prime" "Rapturous" "Vigorous" "Crocodile's" "Nautilus's" "Ibex's" "Ram's" "Exarch's" "of Tacati" "Impervious" "Unmoving" "Fugitive" "Lissome" "Versatile" "Adaptable" "Phantasm's" "Apparition's" "Godly" "Saintly" "Interpermeated" "Inspired" "Interpolated" "Impenetrable" "Impregnable" "Girded" "Illusion's" "Mirage's" "Nightmare's" "Victor's" "Legend's" "Hero's" "Incorporeal" "Illusory" "Unreal"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
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	Corrupted False
	Identified True
	Rarity <= Rare
	Class "Jewel"
	HasExplicitMod "Shimmering" "Vivid" "Stalwart" "Resplendent"
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	MinimapIcon 1 Blue Triangle
	PlayEffect Blue

	Corrupted True
	Identified True
	CorruptedMods >= 1
	Rarity Rare
	BaseType "Cobalt Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel"
	HasExplicitMod "of Combat" "of Archery" "of Mysticism" "of Blasting" "of Wounding" "Surging" "Arctic" "Infernal" "Puncturing" "Rupturing" "Piercing" "Vivid" "Shimmering" "of Potency" "of Demolishing" "of Unmaking" "of the Elements" "of Exsanguinating" "of Atrophy" "of Order" "Leadership"
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	SetFontSize 45
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	MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Jewel"
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	SetBackgroundColor 0 0 40
	SetBorderColor 30 140 255
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Blue Triangle
	PlayEffect Blue

Show #BaseDefencePercentile >= 95
	BaseType == "Vaal Regalia" "Astral Plate" "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Glorious Plate" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Bone Helmet" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Supreme Spiked Shield"
	BaseDefencePercentile >= 95
	Rarity = Rare
	ItemLevel >= 86
	SetBorderColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 0 120 0
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
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	PlayEffect Yellow
	SetFontSize 45

	BaseType "Sacrificial Garb" "Prismatic Ring" "Prismatic Jewel" "Timeless Jewel" "Ornate Quiver" "Grasping Mail"
	Rarity <= Rare
	SetBorderColor 255 255 255
	SetFontSize 40

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Quivers"
	HasExplicitMod "Impaling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Mastery" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Rending" "Devastating"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "Impaling" "Lacerating" "Incisive" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Flaring" "Tempered" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of Mastery" "of Ease" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction" "of the Gale" "of Destruction" "of Rending"
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	SetBorderColor 0 120 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Quivers"
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	HasExplicitMod >=4 "Impaling" "Lacerating" "Incisive" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Elevated " "of Splintering" "Fecund" "Athlete's" "Virile" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Flaring" "Tempered" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of Mastery" "of Ease" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Dissolution" "of the Gale" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rending" "of Incision" "of Penetrating"
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	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
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# ==================================================================
Show #Unique T1
    Rarity = Unique
    BaseType "==" "Cabalist Regalia" "Champion Kite Shield" "Crusader Boots" "Engraved Greatsword" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Foul Staff" "Ghastly Eye Jewel" "Golden Buckler" "Greatwolf Talisman" "Karui Maul" "Papyrus Relic" "Prismatic Jewel" "Processional Relic" "Prophecy Wand" "Rawhide Boots" "Ring" "Riveted Boots" "Ruby Flask" "Siege Axe" "Slaughter Knife" "Unset Amulet"
    SetBackgroundColor 50 230 100
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Dryad1.wav"

	Class "Amulet"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
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	MinimapIcon 2 Purple Pentagon 
	PlayEffect Purple Temp
	SetFontSize 35

	Class "Amulet"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
	ItemLevel >= 86
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
	SetBorderColor 170 70 185
	MinimapIcon 2 Purple Pentagon 
	PlayEffect Purple Temp
	SetFontSize 38

	Class "Amulet"
	BaseType == "Marble Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Jade Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Seaglass Amulet" "Unset Amulet"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
	ItemLevel <= 85
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 140 15 85 220
	SetBorderColor 170 70 185
	PlayAlertSound 4 300
	MinimapIcon 1 Purple Pentagon 
	PlayEffect Purple Temp
	SetFontSize 40

	Class "Amulet"
	BaseType == "Marble Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Jade Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Seaglass Amulet" "Unset Amulet"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
	ItemLevel >= 86
	SetTextColor 140 15 85
	SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 220
	SetBorderColor 170 70 185
	PlayAlertSound 4 300
	MinimapIcon 0 Purple Pentagon 
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	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Rings"
	HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Quintessential" "Guatelitzi's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of the Ranger" "Ultramarine"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Quintessential" "Guatelitzi's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "of the Comet" "of Legerdemain" "of Expertise" "of Flames" "of Rime" "of Voltage" "Ultramarine" "Zaffre" "Blue"
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	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Rings"
	HasExplicitMod "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Quintessential" "Guatelitzi's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of the Ranger" "Ultramarine"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "Quintessential" "Guatelitzi's" "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "of the Comet" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of the Sniper" "Flaring" "Tempered" "Cremating" "Blasting" "Entombing" "Polar" "Electrocuting" "Discharging" "of Skill" "of Flames" "of Rime" "of Voltage"
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	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Amulets"
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	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rage" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" "Cremating" "Entombing" "Electrocuting" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "Flaring" "Tempered"
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	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
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	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Amulets"
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	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Rage" "of Incision" "of Penetrating" "Cremating" "Entombing" "Electrocuting" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "Unleashed" "Flaring" "Tempered"
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	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Amulets"
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	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Destruction" "of Legerdemain" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Immolation" "of Floe" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction"
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	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
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	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Amulets"
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	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Destruction" "of Legerdemain" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Devastating" "Overpowering" "of the Ranger" "of the Marksman" "of Immolation" "of Floe" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Liquefaction"
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	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Amulets"
	HasExplicitMod >=2 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Robust" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "Incandescent" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "Unassailable" "Indomitable"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Legerdemain" "of Expertise" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Zaffre" "of Immolation" "of Flames" "of Floe" "of Rime" "of Discharge" "of Voltage" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Incision" "of Penetrating"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
	SetBorderColor 100 0 200
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Rarity Rare
	HasExplicitMod "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Dazzling" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of Destruction" "of Dissolution" "of the Multiverse" "Unassailable"
	HasExplicitMod >=4 "of the Essence" "Essences" "Veiled" "of the Veil" "of the Underground" "Subterranean" "of Puhuarte" "Guatelitzi's" "Exalter's" "Vulcanist's" "Rimedweller's" "Stormbrewer's" "Behemoth's" "Provocateur's" "of the Godslayer" "of the Gods" "of the Titan" "of the Leviathan" "of the Blur" "of the Wind" "of the Phantom" "of the Jaguar" "of the Polymath" "of the Genius" "of the Virtuoso" "of the Savant" "of Bameth" "of Exile" "of Expulsion" "of Eviction" "of Tzteosh" "of the Magma" "of the Volcano" "of the Furnace" "of Haast" "of the Ice" "of the Polar Bear" "of the Walrus" "of Ephij" "of the Lightning" "of the Maelstrom" "of the Tempest" "of the Span" "of the Rainbow" "of Variegation" "of the Multiverse" "of the Infinite" "of the Universe" "of Nirvana" "of Euphoria" "Impregnable" "Vaporous" "Unassailable" "Athlete's" "Virile" "Rotund" "Ultramarine" "Dazzling" "Resplendent" "of Legerdemain" "of Expertise" "Wizard's" "Thaumaturgist's" "Zaffre" "of Immolation" "of Flames" "of Floe" "of Rime" "of Discharge" "of Voltage" "of Dissolution" "of Melting" "of Destruction" "of Ferocity" "of Fury" "of Incision" "of Penetrating"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
	SetBorderColor 100 0 200
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

	Identified True
	Corrupted False
	Mirrored False
	Rarity Rare
	Class "Amulets"
	HasExplicitMod "Exalter's"
	SetTextColor 255 220 70
	SetBackgroundColor 20 0 40
	SetBorderColor 100 0 200
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 12 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Triangle
	PlayEffect Yellow

    Class "Gem"
    BaseType "Empower" "Enhance" "Enlighten"
    SetTextColor 0 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 255 255 180
    SetBorderColor 0 0 0
    SetFontSize 42
    CustomAlertSound "Abomination1.wav"

    GemLevel = 4
    Class "Gem"
    BaseType "Empower" "Enhance" "Enlighten"
    SetTextColor 30 160 155
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 30 160 155
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

    GemLevel >= 2
    Class "Gem"
    BaseType "Empower" "Enhance" "Enlighten"
    SetTextColor 0 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 255 255 200
    SetBorderColor 0 0 0
    SetFontSize 42
    CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

# Experimented Base Types
    ItemLevel >= 86
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Amulet"
    BaseType "==" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Simplex Amulet"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 86
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "Amulet"
    BaseType "==" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Simplex Amulet"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "Amulet"
    BaseType "==" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Simplex Amulet"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 86
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Belt"
    BaseType "==" "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Mechalarm Belt"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 43
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Triangle
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 86
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "Belt"
    BaseType "==" "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Mechalarm Belt"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Diamond
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "Belt"
    BaseType "==" "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Mechalarm Belt"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Diamond
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 84
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Ring"
    BaseType "==" "Cogwork Ring" "Geodesic Ring"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 84
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "Ring"
    BaseType "==" "Cogwork Ring" "Geodesic Ring"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "Ring"
    BaseType "==" "Cogwork Ring" "Geodesic Ring"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 86
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Shield"
    BaseType "==" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Endothermic Buckler" "Polar Buckler" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Exothermic Tower Shield" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 86
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "Shield"
    BaseType "==" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Endothermic Buckler" "Polar Buckler" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Exothermic Tower Shield" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Hexagon
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "Shield"
    BaseType "==" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Endothermic Buckler" "Polar Buckler" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Exothermic Tower Shield" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Square
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Bow"
    BaseType "==" "Hedron Bow" "Foundry Bow" "Solarine Bow"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "Bow"
    BaseType "==" "Hedron Bow" "Foundry Bow" "Solarine Bow"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Claw"
    BaseType "==" "Shadow Fangs" "Malign Fangs" "Void Fangs" "Imperial Claw"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

    Class "Bow"
    BaseType "==" "Hedron Bow" "Foundry Bow" "Solarine Bow"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "Claw"
    BaseType "==" "Shadow Fangs" "Malign Fangs" "Void Fangs"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "Claw"
    BaseType "==" "Shadow Fangs" "Malign Fangs" "Void Fangs"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "==" "Daggers"
    BaseType "==" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Pressurised Dagger" "Pneumatic Dagger"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "==" "Daggers"
    BaseType "==" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Pressurised Dagger" "Pneumatic Dagger"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "==" "Daggers"
    BaseType "==" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Pressurised Dagger" "Pneumatic Dagger"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "One Hand Axe"
    BaseType "==" "Maltreatment Axe" "Disapprobation Axe" "Psychotic Axe"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "One Hand Axe"
    BaseType "==" "Maltreatment Axe" "Disapprobation Axe" "Psychotic Axe"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "One Hand Axe"
    BaseType "==" "Maltreatment Axe" "Disapprobation Axe" "Psychotic Axe"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "One Hand Mace"
    BaseType "==" "Flare Mace" "Crack Mace" "Boom Mace"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "One Hand Mace"
    BaseType "==" "Flare Mace" "Crack Mace" "Boom Mace"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

    Class "One Hand Mace"
    BaseType "==" "Flare Mace" "Crack Mace" "Boom Mace"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "==" "One Hand Swords"
    BaseType "==" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Anarchic Spiritblade"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "==" "One Hand Swords"
    BaseType "==" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Anarchic Spiritblade"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

    Class "==" "One Hand Swords"
    BaseType "==" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Anarchic Spiritblade"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 84
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Two Hand Axe"
    BaseType "==" "Prime Cleaver" "Honed Cleaver" "Apex Cleaver"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 84
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "Two Hand Axe"
    BaseType "==" "Prime Cleaver" "Honed Cleaver" "Apex Cleaver"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "Two Hand Mace"
    BaseType "Blunt Force Condenser" "Crushing Force Magnifier" "Impact Force Propagator"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "Two Hand Sword"
    BaseType "==" "Rebuking Blade" "Blasting Blade" "Banishing Blade"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 84
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Two Hand Sword"
    BaseType "==" "Rebuking Blade" "Blasting Blade" "Banishing Blade"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayAlertSound 4 300
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 84
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "Two Hand Sword"
    BaseType "==" "Rebuking Blade" "Blasting Blade" "Banishing Blade"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Warstaves"
    BaseType "==" "Capacity Rod" "Potentiality Rod" "Eventuality Rod"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "Warstaves"
    BaseType "==" "Capacity Rod" "Potentiality Rod" "Eventuality Rod"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Wand"
    BaseType "==" "Assembler Wand" "Congregator Wand" "Accumulator Wand"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

    Class "==" "Rune Daggers"
    BaseType "==" "Flickerflame Blade" "Flashfire Blade" "Infernal Blade"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "Warstaves"
    BaseType "==" "Capacity Rod" "Potentiality Rod" "Eventuality Rod"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "==" "Rune Daggers"
    BaseType "==" "Flickerflame Blade" "Flashfire Blade" "Infernal Blade"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "==" "Rune Daggers"
    BaseType "==" "Flickerflame Blade" "Flashfire Blade" "Infernal Blade"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes3.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity <= Magic
    Class "Sceptre"
    BaseType "==" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Alternating Sceptre"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Sceptre"
    BaseType "==" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Alternating Sceptre"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

    Class "Sceptre"
    BaseType "==" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Alternating Sceptre"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red

    Class "Gems"
    BaseType "Awakened"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "Artas8.wav"

    LinkedSockets = 6
    Rarity = Unique
    SetTextColor 175 96 37
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "Artas8.wav"

	Class "Wand"
	BaseType == "Assembler Wand" "Congregator Wand" "Accumulator Wand"
	Rarity <= Magic
	ItemLevel >= 85
	SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 4 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red

    Rarity = Unique
    BaseType "Ambush Mitts" "Arcanist Gloves" "Blood Raiment" "Callous Mask" "Carnal Boots" "Clasped Mitts" "Crusader Boots" "Deerskin Gloves" "Ezomyte Tower Shield" "Gemstone Sword" "Glorious Plate" "Greatwolf Talisman" "Jewelled Foil" "Jingling Spirit Shield" "Legion Gloves" "Nubuck Boots" "The Wolven King's Bite" "Prismatic Jewel" "Prophecy Wand" "Rawhide Boots" "Riveted Gloves" "Ruby Amulet" "Ruby Flask" "Saint's Hauberk" "Sanctified Life Flask" "Sapphire Flask" "Siege Axe" "Silk Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Vaal Rapier" "Wereclaw Talisman" "Wyrmscale Doublet" "Zodiac Leather" "Infernal Sword" "Assassin Bow" "Jewelled Foil" "Judgement Staff" "Prophecy Wand" "Despot Axe" "Siege Axe" "Serpentine Staff"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "TaurenReady1.wav"

    Rarity = Unique
    BaseType "Assassin's Boots" "Bismuth Flask" "Bronzescale Boots" "Callous Mask Piece" "Cardinal Round Shield" "Champion Kite Shield" "Close Helmet" "Cutlass" "Festival Mask" "Full Wyrmscale" "Grand Mana Flask" "Granite Flask" "Highborn Staff" "Hydrascale Gauntlets" "Imperial Maul" "Karui Maul" "Nightmare Mace" "Occultist's Vestment" "Rawhide Tower Shield" "Royal Axe" "Sacrificial Garb" "Savant's Robe" "Steel Ring" "Steelwood Bow" "Stibnite Flask" "Timeworn Claw" "Two-Stone Ring" "Vaal Blade" "Vaal Spirit Shield" "Varnished Coat"
    SetTextColor 175 96 37
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "TaurenYes3.wav"

    GemLevel = 4
    Class "Gems"
    BaseType "Empower Support" "Enlighten Support" "Enhance Support"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack1.wav"

    Class "Gems"
    BaseType "Empower Support" "Enlighten Support" "Enhance Support"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack1.wav"

    Rarity = Unique
    Class "Jewel"
    BaseType "Timeless Jewel" "Crimson Jewel" "Prismatic Jewel" "Viridian Jewel"
    SetTextColor 150 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Star
    PlayEffect Brown
    CustomAlertSound "DeathKnightYesAttack3.wav"

    Rarity = Unique
    Class "Flasks"
    SetTextColor 255 184 184
    SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "SatyreYes2.wav"

    Rarity = Unique
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37
    SetFontSize 38
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Diamond
    PlayEffect Red

    Rarity <= Rare
    Class "Abyss Jewel"
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "Paladin1.wav"

    Rarity <= Rare
    Class "Belts"
    BaseType "Stygian Vise"
    SetTextColor 188 214 185
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    SetFontSize 45

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Class "Rings"
    BaseType "Breach Ring"
    SetTextColor 210 0 220
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 43
    CustomAlertSound "MountanKing4.wav"

    LinkedSockets = 5
    SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
    PlayEffect White Temp

    LinkedSockets = 6
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "Artas8.wav"

    Sockets = 6
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Hexagon
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "Priest3.wav"

    SocketGroup "RGB"
    Rarity = Normal
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255

    SocketGroup "RGB"
    Rarity = Magic
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255

    SocketGroup "RGB"
    Rarity = Rare
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255

    SocketGroup "RGB"
    Rarity = Unique
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255

    Rarity = Normal
    BaseType "Stone Hammer" "Rock Breaker" "Gavel"

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Rings" "Amulets"
    BaseType "Amulet" "Ring" "Gold Amulet" "Iron Ring" "Gold Ring"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 255 255
    SetFontSize 37
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "HeroPaladinYes3.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Belts"
    BaseType "Chain Belt" "Cloth Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Leather Belt" "Studded Belt" "Crystal Belt" "Stygian Vise" "Rustic Sash"
    SetTextColor 175 96 37
    SetBorderColor 180 96 0
    MinimapIcon 2 Brown Circle
    PlayEffect Brown Temp

    Rarity = Normal
    Class "Jewel"
    SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255

    Rarity = Magic
    Class "Jewel"
    SetTextColor 102 102 181 255
    SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255

    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Jewel"
    SetTextColor 210 0 220
    SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
    CustomAlertSound "HeroPaladinYesAttack2.wav"

    Class "Labyrinth Map Item" "Labyrinth Item" "Labyrinth Trinket"
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "HeroPaladinYesAttack3.wav"

    BaseType "Bane of the Loyal" "Cogs of Disruption" "Cube Of Absorption" "Heart of the Gargoyle" "Orb of Elemental Dispersion" "Portal Shredder" "Rod of Detonation" "Sand of Eternity"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasWhat2.wav"

    BaseType "Silver Key" "Treasure Key" "Golden Key"
    SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0 220
    SetFontSize 42
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasYes2.wav"

    BaseType "Mortal Ignorance" "Mortal Rage" "Mortal Grief" "Mortal Hope"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 43
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Triangle
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Peon1.wav"

    Class "Gems"
    BaseType "Vaal"
    SetTextColor 0 100 150 200
    PlayEffect Blue Temp

    BaseType "Cobalt Watchstone" "Golden Watchstone" "Ivory Watchstone" "Viridian Watchstone" "Crimson Watchstone"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "Grunt.wav"

    Quality >= 10
    Class "Flasks"

    Class "Utility Flasks"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255

    Rarity = Unique
    Class "Flasks"
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Circle
    PlayEffect Brown

    Class "Quest Items"
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 74 230 58
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "MuradinYesAttack1.wav"

    ElderItem True
    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Belts" "Rings" "Boots" "Gloves" "Sceptres" "Wands" "Helmets" "Amulets" "Bow" "Staves" "Shields" "Axes" "Daggers" "Quivers"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasPissed4.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    BaseType "Jade Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Stygian Vise" "Rustic Sash"
    SetTextColor 184 218 242
    SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 35
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYes2.wav"

    ItemLevel = 86
    Rarity = Rare
    BaseType "Siege Axe" "Vaal Axe" "Fleshripper" "Exquisite Blade" "Harbinger Bow" "Maraketh Bow" "Thicket Bow" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Claw" "Coronal Maul" "Sai" "Sambar Sceptre" "Void Sceptre" "Eclipse Staff" "Maelström Staff" "Prophecy Wand" "Profane Wand" "Imbued Wand" "Convoking Wand"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Hexagon
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasPissed2.wav"

    ItemLevel = 86
    Rarity = Rare
    BaseType "Jade Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Stygian Vise" "Rustic Sash"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Hexagon
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasPissed2.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    BaseType "Opal Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Opal Ring"
    SetTextColor 184 218 242
    SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 35
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYes2.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    BaseType "Two-Toned Boots" "Astral Plate" "Glorious Plate" "Assassin's Garb" "Zodiac Leather" "Vaal Regalia" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Harmonic Spirit Shield"
    SetTextColor 184 218 242
    SetBackgroundColor 170 158 130
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 35
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYes2.wav"

    ItemLevel = 86
    Rarity = Rare
    BaseType "Two-Toned Boots" "Astral Plate" "Glorious Plate" "Assassin's Garb" "Zodiac Leather" "Vaal Regalia" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Pinnacle Tower Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Harmonic Spirit Shield"
    SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 170 158 130
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasPissed4.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    BaseType "Crystal Belt" "Vanguard Belt" "Blue Pearl Amulet" "Marble Amulet"
    SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 35
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYes2.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    BaseType "Spiked Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Bone Helmet"
    SetTextColor 184 218 242
    SetBackgroundColor 150 0 0
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 35
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYes2.wav"

    ShaperItem True
    ItemLevel >= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Belts" "Rings" "Boots" "Gloves" "Sceptres" "Wands" "Helmets" "Amulets" "Bow" "Staves" "Shields" "Axes" "Daggers" "Quivers"
    SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "KelThuzadYesAttack2.wav"

#Maps T17
	Class "Maps"
	MapTier = 17
	PlayAlertSound 5 300
	Rarity >= Normal
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayEffect Purple
	MinimapIcon 0 Purple Circle
	SetTextColor 0 0 0
	SetBackgroundColor 170 15 180 200
	SetBorderColor 0 0 0

    ItemLevel < 86
    Rarity = Normal
    Class "Rings" "Belts" "Gloves" "Amulets" "Shields" "Bow" "Swords" "Helmets" "Sceptres" "Wands"
    SetFontSize 17

    ItemLevel < 86
    Rarity = Magic
    Class "Rings" "Belts" "Gloves" "Amulets" "Shields" "Bow" "Swords" "Helmets" "Sceptres" "Wands"
    SetFontSize 19

    ItemLevel < 82
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Rings" "Belts" "Gloves" "Amulets" "Shields" "Bow" "Swords" "Helmets" "Sceptres" "Wands"
    SetFontSize 18

# Section: Осада Задницы

Show # $type->exoticbases $tier->exoticheistbases
    BaseType "Accumulator Wand" "Alternating Sceptre" "Anarchic Spiritblade" "Apex Cleaver" "Assembler Wand" "Astrolabe Amulet" "Banishing Blade" "Battery Staff" "Blasting Blade" "Blunt Force Condenser" "Boom Mace" "Capacity Rod" "Capricious Spiritblade" "Cogwork Ring" "Cold-attuned Buckler" "Congregator Wand" "Crack Mace" "Crushing Force Magnifier" "Disapprobation Axe" "Endothermic Buckler" "Eventuality Rod" "Exhausting Spirit Shield" "Exothermic Tower Shield" "Fickle Spiritblade" "Flare Mace" "Flashfire Blade" "Flickerflame Blade" "Foundry Bow" "Geodesic Ring" "Heat-attuned Tower Shield" "Hedron Bow" "Hollowpoint Dagger" "Honed Cleaver" "Impact Force Propagator" "Infernal Blade" "Magmatic Tower Shield" "Malign Fangs" "Maltreatment Axe" "Mechalarm Belt" "Micro-Distillery Belt" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Pneumatic Dagger" "Polar Buckler" "Potentiality Rod" "Pressurised Dagger" "Prime Cleaver" "Psychotic Axe" "Rebuking Blade" "Reciprocation Staff" "Shadow Fangs" "Simplex Amulet" "Solarine Bow" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Subsuming Spirit Shield" "Transfer-attuned Spirit Shield" "Transformer Staff" "Void Fangs"
    SetTextColor 0 240 190 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 75 30 255
    SetBorderColor 0 240 190 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Diamond
    PlayEffect Blue

Show # %D4 $type->rare->exarch $tier->anyhigh
    Rarity = Rare
    BaseType "==" "Crusader Boots" "Crusader Gloves" "Deicide Mask" "Dragonscale Boots" "Dragonscale Gauntlets" "Eternal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Lion Pelt" "Murder Boots" "Murder Mitts" "Nightmare Bascinet" "Pig-Faced Bascinet" "Praetor Crown" "Royal Burgonet" "Slink Boots" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Boots" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Titan Gauntlets" "Titan Greaves"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 50 130 165
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayEffect Blue Temp

	BaseType == "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Vaal Regalia" "Glorious Plate" "Astral Plate" "Grasping Mail" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Bone Helmet"
	Rarity <= Rare
	HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 3
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetBackgroundColor 180 0 0
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	PlayAlertSound 4 300
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red
	SetFontSize 42

	Class "Boots"
	BaseType == "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasEaterOfWorldsImplicit >= 1
	ItemLevel >= 86
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
	SetTextColor 210 0 0
	PlayAlertSound 4 300
	MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red
	SetFontSize 45

	Class "Ring"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
	SetBorderColor 170 70 185
	MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
	PlayEffect Purple
	SetFontSize 40

	Class "Ring"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
	ItemLevel >= 84
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
	SetBorderColor 170 70 185
	MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
	PlayEffect Purple
	SetFontSize 45

    ItemLevel <= 83
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Ring"
    BaseType "==" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Unset Ring" "Opal Ring" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Iolite Ring"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 140 15 85 220
    SetBorderColor 170 70 185
    SetFontSize 40

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
    ItemLevel >= 84
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Ring"
    BaseType "==" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Unset Ring" "Opal Ring" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Iolite Ring"
    SetTextColor 140 15 85
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 220
    SetBorderColor 170 70 185
    SetFontSize 45

	Class "Boots"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
	SetBorderColor 170 70 185
	MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
	PlayEffect Purple
	SetFontSize 40

	Class "Boots"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
	ItemLevel >= 86
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
	SetBorderColor 170 70 185
	MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
	PlayEffect Purple
	SetFontSize 45

    ItemLevel <= 85
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Boots"
    BaseType "==" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 140 15 85 220
    SetBorderColor 170 70 185
    SetFontSize 40

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
    ItemLevel >= 86
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Boots"
    BaseType "==" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots"
    SetTextColor 140 15 85
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 220
    SetBorderColor 170 70 185
    SetFontSize 45

    ItemLevel <= 82
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Claw"
    BaseType "==" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Claw"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 140 15 85 220
    SetBorderColor 170 70 185
    SetFontSize 40

	Class "Claw"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
	ItemLevel >= 83
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
	SetBorderColor 170 70 185
	MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
	PlayEffect Purple
	SetFontSize 45

	Class "Claw"
	Rarity = Rare
	HasInfluence Crusader Redeemer Hunter Warlord Shaper Elder
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 60 30 66
	SetBorderColor 170 70 185
	MinimapIcon 2 Purple Triangle
	PlayEffect Purple
	SetFontSize 40

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
    ItemLevel >= 83
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Claw"
    BaseType "==" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Claw"
    SetTextColor 140 15 85
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 220
    SetBorderColor 170 70 185
    SetFontSize 45

# Section:Архнемезида

# ==================================================================
    Class "Archnemesis Mod"
    SetTextColor 255 213 100
    SetBackgroundColor 70 50 50 255
    SetBorderColor 255 213 100
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Diamond
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "ForestTrollYes2.wav"

# Section: Лига Экспидиция в ад.

Show # Expedition Logbook | Журнал экспедиции
    Class "Expedition Logbook"
    BaseType "Expedition Logbook"
    SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 106 214
    SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ThrallYesAttack2.wav"

Show # Растопляющая сфера | Вливающая сфера - сферы позволяющие изменять особые флаконы
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Enkindling Orb" "Instilling Orb"
    SetTextColor 250 67 32 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 250 67 32 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Hexagon
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ThrallYes3.wav"

Show # Валюта Экспедиции
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Exotic Coinage" "Scrap Metal" "Astragali" "Burial Medallion"
    SetTextColor 217 217 217
    SetBackgroundColor 53 53 53 250
    SetBorderColor 71 71 71 255
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "ThrallYes2.wav"

Show # Артефакты Экспедиции
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Broken Circle Artifact" "Black Scythe Artifact" "Order Artifact" "Sun Artifact"
    SetTextColor 122 161 189
    SetBackgroundColor 53 53 53 250
    SetBorderColor 71 71 71 255
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "ThrallYes2.wav"

# Section:  Ритуалка

    ItemLevel >= 86
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Helmets"
    BaseType "Blizzard Crown" "Winter Crown" "Gale Crown" "Archdemon Crown" "Demon Crown" "Imp Crown" "Atonement Mask" "Penitent Mask" "Sorrow Mask"
    SetTextColor 255 190 0
    SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    CustomAlertSound "TichondriusYes1.wav"

# Ritual Base Types
    ItemLevel >= 86
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Boots"
    BaseType "Dreamquest Slippers" "Cloudwhisper Boots" "Brimstone Treads" "Nightwind Slippers" "Windbreak Boots" "Darksteel Treads" "Duskwalk Slippers" "Stormrider Boots" "Basemetal Treads"
    SetTextColor 255 190 0
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    CustomAlertSound "TichondriusYes2.wav"

	Class "Boots"
	BaseType "Dreamquest Slippers" "Cloudwhisper Boots" "Brimstone Treads" "Nightwind Slippers" "Windbreak Boots" "Darksteel Treads" "Duskwalk Slippers" "Stormrider Boots" "Basemetal Treads"
	SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetFontSize 40
	PlayAlertSound 4 100
	MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red

	Class "Stackable Currency"
	BaseType "Ritual Vessel" "Blood-filled Vessel"
	SetTextColor 255 155 120
	SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
	SetBorderColor 255 155 120
	SetFontSize 40

# Ritual Currency
	Class "Stackable Currency"
	BaseType "Ritual Splinter"
	SetTextColor 255 155 120
	SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
	SetFontSize 38

    Class "Helmets"
    BaseType "Blizzard Crown" "Winter Crown" "Gale Crown" "Archdemon Crown" "Demon Crown" "Imp Crown" "Atonement Mask" "Penitent Mask" "Sorrow Mask"
    SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    CustomAlertSound "TichondriusYes3.wav"

# Section: Лига кража

Show # Unique Replica
    Rarity = Unique
    SetBackgroundColor 231 180 120
    SetBorderColor 180 96 0
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 1 Brown Star
    PlayEffect Red

# Heist Currency
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Rogue's Marker"
    SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128 255
    SetFontSize 38
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Prime Regrading Lens" "Secondary Regrading Lens" "Tempering Orb" "Tailoring Orb"
    SetTextColor 200 250 105
    SetBackgroundColor 200 85 0
    SetBorderColor 0 255 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes2.wav"

# ==================================================================
Show # Trinket
    Class "Trinket"
    BaseType "==" "Thief's Trinket"
    SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 231 180 120
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 37
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Brown

	Class Quest Item
	BaseType "Contract"
	SetFontSize 40
	SetBorderColor 75 230 60 
	SetTextColor 75 230 60 
	PlayEffect Green

    ItemLevel >= 84
    Rarity = Rare
    Class "Sceptre"
    BaseType "==" "Oscillating Sceptre" "Stabilising Sceptre" "Alternating Sceptre"
    SetTextColor 255 190 0
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 1 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "BanditPissed3.wav"

Show # Rogue Equipment
    Class "Heist Cloak" "Heist Brooch" "Heist Tool" "Heist Gear"
    SetTextColor 184 218 242
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 255 255
    SetBorderColor 255 0 0
    SetFontSize 39
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditPissed1.wav"

    Class "Heist Target"
    SetTextColor 255 150 65 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 150 65 255
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Star
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes1.wav"

    Class "Contract"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes1.wav"

    Class "Blueprint"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 180 96 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Hexagon
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes1.wav"

# Section: Симулятор Фермера

#Show #T1
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Wild Ursaling Seed" "Wild Hellion Seed" "Wild Thornwolf Seed" "Wild Ape Seed" "Wild Hatchling Seed"
#    SetTextColor 255 155 255
#    SetBackgroundColor 5 45 85
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 38

#Show #T2
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Wild Bristlebeast Grain" "Wild Snap Hound Grain" "Wild Homunculus Grain" "Wild Chieftain Grain" "Wild Spikeback Grain"
#    SetTextColor 255 155 255
#    SetBackgroundColor 15 70 135
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 40

#Show #T3
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Wild Bristle Matron Bulb" "Wild Hellion Alpha Bulb" "Wild Thornmaw Bulb" "Wild Brambleback Bulb" "Wild Infestation Queen Bulb"
#    SetTextColor 255 155 255
#    SetBackgroundColor 25 90 165
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 42

# Wild Seeds
#Show #T4
#    Class "Harvest seed"
#    BaseType "Wild Thornfruit"
#    SetTextColor 255 155 255
#    SetBackgroundColor 35 115 215
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 45

#Show #T1
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Vivid Arachnid Seed" "Vivid Weta Seed" "Vivid Leech Seed" "Vivid Scorpion Seed" "Vivid Thornweaver Seed"
#    SetTextColor 255 255 155
#    SetBackgroundColor 5 45 85
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 38

#Show #T2
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Vivid Razorleg Grain" "Vivid Sapsucker Grain" "Vivid Parasite Grain" "Vivid Striketail Grain" "Vivid Nestback Grain"
#    SetTextColor 255 255 155
#    SetBackgroundColor 15 70 135
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 40

#Show #T3
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Vivid Whipleg Bulb" "Vivid Watcher Bulb" "Vivid Vulture Bulb" "Vivid Abberarach Bulb" "Vivid Devourer Bulb"
#    SetTextColor 255 255 155
#    SetBackgroundColor 25 90 165
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 42

# Vivid Seeds
#Show #T4
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Vivid Scalefruit"
#    SetTextColor 255 255 155
#    SetBackgroundColor 35 115 215
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 45

#Show #T1
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Primal Rhoa Seed" "Primal Dustspitter Seed" "Primal Feasting Horror Seed" "Primal Maw Seed" "Primal Cleaveling Seed"
#    SetTextColor 155 255 255
#    SetBackgroundColor 5 45 85
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 38

#Show #T2
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Primal Rhex Grain" "Primal Dustcrab Grain" "Primal Viper Grain" "Primal Chimeral Grain" "Primal Scrabbler Grain"
#    SetTextColor 155 255 255
#    SetBackgroundColor 15 70 135
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 40

#Show #T3
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Primal Rhex Matriarch Bulb" "Primal Crushclaw Bulb" "Primal Blisterlord Bulb" "Primal Cystcaller Bulb" "Primal Reborn Bulb"
#    SetTextColor 155 255 255
#    SetBackgroundColor 25 90 165
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 42

# Primal Seeds
#Show #T4
#    Class "Harvest Seed"
#    BaseType "Primal Blisterfruit"
#    SetTextColor 155 255 255
#    SetBackgroundColor 35 115 215
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 45

Show # Harbinger Scroll
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Time-light Scroll" "Fragmentation Scroll" "Deregulation Scroll" "Electroshock Scroll" "Haemocombustion Scroll" "Specularity Scroll"
    SetTextColor 50 230 100
    SetBackgroundColor 180 96 0
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "PeasantPissed3.wav"

Show # Посвящение богине
    Class "Map Fragment"
    BaseType "Dedication to the Goddess"
    SetTextColor 32 195 187
    SetBackgroundColor 50 20 20
    SetBorderColor 31 199 190
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 0 White Star
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "PeonPissed1.wav"

#Show #T2
#    Class "Seed Enhancer"
#    BaseType "Fortune Flower" "Lifeforce Flower" "Horticrafting Flower"
#    SetTextColor 255 255 255
#    SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
#    SetBorderColor 0 215 255 225
#    SetFontSize 42

Show # Дар богине
    Class "Map Fragment"
    BaseType "Gift to the Goddess"
    SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYes1.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Infused Engineer's Orb"
    SetTextColor 128 0 128 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 0 255
    SetBorderColor 250 67 32 255
    SetFontSize 38
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Hexagon
    PlayEffect Yellow Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Dryad1.wav"

Show # Дань богине
    Class "Map Fragment"
    BaseType "Tribute to the Goddess"
    SetTextColor 255 200 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 215 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 0 White Star
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "Dryad1.wav"

# Section: Дилириум | Delirium

    Rarity = Unique
    Class "Jewel"
    BaseType "Cluster Jewel"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "PeasantPissed3.wav"

    Class "Jewel"
    BaseType "Medium Cluster Jewel" "Large Cluster Jewel" "Small Cluster Jewel"
    SetTextColor 231 180 120
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 231 180 120
    SetFontSize 40
    CustomAlertSound "PeonPissed1.wav"

    ItemLevel >= 82
    Class "Jewel"
    BaseType "Medium Cluster Jewel" "Large Cluster Jewel" "Small Cluster Jewel"
    SetTextColor 175 96 37
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "PeonPissed1.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Skittering Delirium Orb" "Cartographer's Delirium Orb" "Blighted Delirium Orb"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255
    SetBackgroundColor 54 100 146
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 39
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "PriestPissed5.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Thaumaturge's Delirium Orb" "Obscured Delirium Orb" "Timeless Delirium Orb" "Diviner's Delirium Orb" "Fossilised Delirium Orb" "Fragmented Delirium Orb" "Foreboding Delirium Orb" "Singular Delirium Orb" "Fine Delirium Orb"
    SetTextColor 255 192 203
    SetBackgroundColor 54 100 146
    SetBorderColor 0 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Blue Square
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "PriestYesAttack2.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Delirium Orb"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "SatyreYes4.wav"

    Class "Map Fragment"
    BaseType "Simulacrum"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Star
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "SorceressPissed1.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Simulacrum Splinter"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
    SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 2 White Square
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "SatyreYes4.wav"

# Section: Лига Скверна : Bright

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Imbued Catalyst" "Abrasive Catalyst" "Tempering Catalyst" "Fertile Catalyst" "Prismatic Catalyst" "Intrinsic Catalyst" "Turbulent Catalyst"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
    SetFontSize 38
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Star
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "AcolyteWhat5.wav"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Golden Oil" "Silver Oil"
    SetTextColor 255 215 0
    SetBorderColor 170 158 130
    SetFontSize 43
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "AcolyteWhat5.wav"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Tainted Oil"
    SetTextColor 255 165 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 65 65 15 225
    SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Black Oil" "Opalescent Oil" "Crimson Oil"
    SetTextColor 255 165 0 255
    SetBorderColor 170 158 130
    SetFontSize 37
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
    PlayEffect Brown
    CustomAlertSound "AcolyteWhat5.wav"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Amber Oil" "Azure Oil" "Clear Oil" "Sepia Oil" "Teal Oil" "Verdant Oil" "Violet Oil"
    SetTextColor 255 165 0 255
    SetBorderColor 150 0 0
    SetFontSize 37
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
    PlayEffect Brown
    CustomAlertSound "AcolyteWhat5.wav"

    BlightedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 255 119
    SetBorderColor 175 96 37
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "Abomination1.wav"

# Section: Карты | Maps

    Class "Misc Map Items"
    BaseType "Maven's Invitation: The Formed" "Maven's Invitation: The Twisted" "Maven's Invitation: The Forgotten" "Maven's Invitation: The Hidden" "Maven's Invitation: The Feared" "Writhing Invitation" "Screaming Invitation" "Polaric Invitation" "Incandescent Invitation" "Maven's Invitation: The Atlas" "Maven's Invitation: The Elderslayers"
    SetTextColor 255 105 105
    SetBackgroundColor 45 5 60
    SetBorderColor 255 105 105
    SetFontSize 45

	Class "Map Fragment"
	BaseType "The Maven's Writ"
	SetTextColor 255 105 105
	SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
	SetBorderColor 255 105 105
	MinimapIcon 2 Red Cross
	SetFontSize 45
	MinimapIcon 0 Red Cross
	PlayEffect Red

	Class "Stackable Currency"
	BaseType "Crescent Splinter"
	SetTextColor 255 105 105
	SetBackgroundColor 50 50 50
	SetFontSize 45
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Cross
	PlayEffect Red

	Class "Atlas Upgrade Item"
	BaseType == "Ceremonial Voidstone" "Decayed Voidstone" "Grasping Voidstone" "Omniscient Voidstone"
	SetFontSize 45
	SetBorderColor 75 230 60 
	SetTextColor 75 230 60 
	MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
	PlayEffect Green

# ==================================================================
Show # Synthesised Map
    Rarity = Unique
    Class "Maps"
    BaseType "Synthesised Map"
    SetTextColor 90 50 30
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 175 95 35
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Star
    PlayEffect Brown
    CustomAlertSound "BanditYes1.wav"

    BaseType "==" "Orb of Unmaking"
    SetTextColor 200 255 100
    SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0
    SetBorderColor 0 255 0
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "SatyreYes4.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "==" "Awakened Sextant"
    SetTextColor 0 100 0
    SetBackgroundColor 155 185 60 255
    SetBorderColor 0 255 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
    CustomAlertSound "GoblinZeppelinYes4.wav"

    BaseType "==" "Elevated Sextant"
    SetTextColor 0 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 119
    SetBorderColor 0 100 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ForestTrollYes4.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Scouting Report"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 119
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green

    BaseType "Compass"
    SetTextColor 50 230 100
    SetBackgroundColor 120 120 120 200
    SetBorderColor 0 255 0
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
Show # NonDrop
    BaseType "Cartographer's Seal" "Unshaping Orb"
    SetTextColor 0 100 150 200
    SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
    SetBorderColor 0 100 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green

# Дорогие уник карты.
    Rarity = Unique
    Class "Maps"
    BaseType "Chateau Map" "Courtyard Map" "Harbinger Map" "Maze Map" "Museum Map"
    SetTextColor 175 96 37
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 255 165 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Star
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "CryptFiendYes3.wav"

    Rarity = Unique
    Class "Maps"
    BaseType "Cemetery Map" "Cursed Crypt Map" "Moon Temple Map" "Reef Map" "Shore Map" "Temple Map"
    SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
    SetFontSize 35
    MinimapIcon 1 Yellow Diamond
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "CryptFiendYes4.wav"

    Rarity = Unique
    Class "Maps"
    SetBorderColor 180 96 0
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Brown
    CustomAlertSound "DeathKnightWhat4.wav"

    MapTier = 1
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 44

    MapTier = 2
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 44

    MapTier = 3
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 44

    MapTier = 4
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 44

    MapTier = 5
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 44

    MapTier = 6
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 227 227 141 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 200 0
    SetFontSize 44

    MapTier = 7
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 206 206 89 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 200 0
    SetFontSize 44

    MapTier = 8
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 150 150 69 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 200 0
    SetFontSize 44

    MapTier = 9
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 229 229 28 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 200 0
    SetFontSize 44

    MapTier = 10
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 255 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 200 0
    SetFontSize 44

    MapTier = 11
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

    MapTier = 12
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

    MapTier = 13
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 79 79 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

    MapTier = 14
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 232 136 136 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

    MapTier = 15
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

    MapTier = 16
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack3.wav"

    MapTier >= 1
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255

    MapTier = 16
    Class "Maps"
    BaseType "Lair of the Hydra Map" "Maze of the Minotaur Map" "Pit of the Chimera Map" "Forge of the Phoenix Map" "Vaal Temple Map"
    SetTextColor 210 0 220
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ShamanYesAttack1.wav"

    ElderMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 166 166 247 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack5.wav"

    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack5.wav"

    MapTier >= 11
    ElderMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 152 152 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack6.wav"

    MapTier = 16
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 15
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 14
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 13
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 12
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 11
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 10
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 9
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 8
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 7
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 6
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 5
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 4
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 3
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 2
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

    MapTier = 1
    ShapedMap True
    Class "Maps"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWarcry1.wav"

# Section: Метаморф | Metamorpf

# ==================================================================
    Class "Metamorph Sample"
    BaseType "Metamorph Eye" "Metamorph Liver" "Metamorph Lung" "Metamorph Heart" "Metamorph Brain"
    SetTextColor 175 96 37
    SetBackgroundColor 255 215 0
    SetBorderColor 120 175 30 255
    SetFontSize 36
    MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star
    PlayEffect Brown
    CustomAlertSound "AcolyteWhat5.wav"

# Section: Лига: Зверьё

# Рарные звери.
    Identified True
    HasExplicitMod "of Farrul" "of Craiceann" "of Fenumus" "of Saqawal"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 40 0 220
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasPissed4.wav"

    BaseType "Bestiary Orb" "Imprinted Bestiary Orb"
    SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Brown Temp

# Section: Лига Вмешательство: 

# Дорогие Фиалы
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Vial of Awakening" "Vial of Sacrifice" "Vial of the Ghost"
    SetTextColor 150 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack2.wav"

    Class "Incursion Item"
    BaseType "Stone of Passage" "Flashpowder Keg"
    SetTextColor 50 230 100
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasPissed2.wav"

# Дешевые Фиалы
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Vial of Dominance" "Vial of Consequence" "Vial of Fate" "Vial of Summoning" "Vial of the Ritual" "Vial of Transcendence"
    SetTextColor 150 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 38
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack2.wav"

    Identified True
    Rarity = Rare
    HasExplicitMod "Tacati's" "Citaqualotl's" "Matatl's" "Topotante's" "Xopec's" "Guatelitzi's" "of Puhuarte"

    Identified True
    Rarity = Magic
    HasExplicitMod "Tacati's" "Citaqualotl's" "Matatl's" "Topotante's" "Xopec's" "Guatelitzi's" "of Puhuarte"

# Section: Лига Легион | Legion

    Class "Incubator"
    BaseType "Abyssal Incubator" "Cartographer's Incubator" "Celestial Armoursmith's Incubator" "Celestial Blacksmith's Incubator" "Celestial Jeweller's Incubator" "Diviner's Incubator" "Eldritch Incubator" "Enchanted Incubator" "Fine Incubator" "Foreboding Incubator" "Fossilised Incubator" "Fragmented Incubator" "Gemcutter's Incubator" "Infused Incubator" "Mysterious Incubator" "Obscured Incubator" "Ornate Incubator" "Otherworldly Incubator" "Primal Incubator" "Singular Incubator" "Skittering Incubator" "Thaumaturge's Incubator" "Time-Lost Incubator" "Whispering Incubator" "Geomancer's Incubator"
    SetTextColor 50 230 100
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Triangle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "UtherYes3.wav"

    BaseType "Timeless Karui Emblem" "Timeless Maraketh Emblem" "Timeless Templar Emblem" "Timeless Vaal Emblem" "Timeless Eternal Emblem"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBorderColor 0 0 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 1 Blue Diamond
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "UtherYes3.wav"

    Rarity = Unique
    Class "Jewel"

    BaseType "Timeless Karui Splinter" "Timeless Maraketh Splinter" "Timeless Vaal Splinter" "Timeless Templar Splinter" "Timeless Eternal Empire Splinter"
    SetTextColor 210 0 220
    SetBorderColor 255 255 119
    SetFontSize 39
    MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Circle
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "UtherYes3.wav"

# Section: Шмот  Синтез лиги | Synthes League

# Фрагменты синтеза!
    FracturedItem True
    SetTextColor 184 218 242
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 0 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Circle
    PlayEffect White Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Archer1.wav"

# Синтезированый шмот!
    SynthesisedItem True
    SetTextColor 184 218 242
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 0 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Circle
    PlayEffect White Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Archer1.wav"

# Инргидиенты синтеза!
    AnyEnchantment True
    SetTextColor 185 185 245
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Star
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "Archer1.wav"

# Section: Лига предательства | Betryal League

    Identified True
    HasExplicitMod "Veil" "Leo's Veiled" "Catarina's Veiled" "Elreon's Veiled" "Gravicius' Veiled" "Guff's Veiled" "Haku's Veiled" "It That Fled's Veiled" "Korell's Veiled" "Rin's Veiled" "Tora's Veiled" "Vagan's Veiled" "Vorici's Veiled"
    SetTextColor 255 40 0 220
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Square
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "Tyrande1.wav"

    Class "Map Fragments"
    BaseType "Scarab"
    SetTextColor 231 180 120
    SetFontSize 43
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "Uther1.wav"

    Identified True
    HasExplicitMod "Veil"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
    SetBorderColor 150 0 0
    SetFontSize 35

    Rarity = Unique
    HasExplicitMod "Veil"
    SetBackgroundColor 255 192 203
    SetBorderColor 74 0 160 200
    SetFontSize 39
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red

# Section: Лига шахтеры | Delve league

    Class "Leaguestones"
    SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 43
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
    PlayEffect Yellow

    HasExplicitMod "of Crafting" "of Spellcraft" "of Weaponcraft" "of the Underground" "Subterranean"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 40
    CustomAlertSound "Dryad1.wav"

    BaseType "Timeworn Reliquary Key" "Ancient Reliquary Key"
    SetTextColor 150 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 231 180 120
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Circle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "HeroDreadlord1.wav"

    Class "Delve Socketable Currency" "Delve Stackable Socketable Currency"
    BaseType "Resonator"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 0 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Triangle
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "Kotik.wav"

    Class "Delve Socketable Currency"
    BaseType "Prime Alchemical Resonator"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "Grunt.wav"

    Class "Delve Socketable Currency"
    BaseType "Prime Chaotic Resonator"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 242 64 64 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Triangle
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "Tichondrius2.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Hollow Fossil" "Fundamental Fossil"
    SetTextColor 255 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 119
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "RiflemanPissed5.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Fractured Fossil"
    SetTextColor 145 68 68 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Paladin3.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Bloodstained Fossil"
    SetTextColor 173 173 173
    SetBackgroundColor 255 40 0 220
    SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Knight.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Faceted Fossil"
    SetTextColor 231 180 120
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 255 0 0 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Abomination1.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Glyphic Fossil"
    SetTextColor 255 192 203
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 127 127 127
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Star
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Illidan1.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Sanctified Fossil"
    SetTextColor 50 230 100
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 50 230 100
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Star
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Tangled Fossil"
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 74 230 58
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Dense Fossil"
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 74 230 58
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Gilded Fossil"
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 74 230 58
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Pristine Fossil"
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 74 230 58
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Serrated Fossil"
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 74 230 58
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Prismatic Fossil"
    SetTextColor 74 230 58
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 74 230 58
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Star
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Zolota.mp3"

# Трешовые ископаемые!
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Lucent Fossil" "Corroded Fossil" "Scorched Fossil" "Metallic Fossil" "Jagged Fossil" "Frigid Fossil" "Bound Fossil" "Aberrant Fossil" "Shuddering Fossil" "Aetheric Fossil"
    SetTextColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 35
    CustomAlertSound "PeonAttack.wav"

    HasExplicitMod "Tacati's" "of Tacati" "Citaqualotl's" "of Citaqualotl" "Matatl's" "of Matatl" "Topotante's" "Xopec's" "Guatelitzi's" "of Guatelitzi"
    SetTextColor 208 32 144
    SetFontSize 40

    Class "Incursion Item"
    BaseType "Stone of Passage"
    SetTextColor 210 0 220
    SetBorderColor 74 230 58
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 1 Brown Circle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "WithDoctor.wav"

    Class "Incursion Item"
    BaseType "Flashpowder Keg"
    SetTextColor 210 0 220
    SetBorderColor 74 230 58
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 1 Brown Circle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "WithDoctor.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Necromancy Net"
    SetTextColor 154 111 204 200
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 2 Brown Circle

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Thaumaturgical Net"
    SetTextColor 154 111 204 200
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 199 89 89
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 2 Brown Circle

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Strong Steel Net"
    SetTextColor 154 111 204 200
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 150 0 0
    SetFontSize 43

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Reinforced Steel Net"
    SetTextColor 154 111 204 200
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 150 0 0
    SetFontSize 37

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Simple Steel Net"
    SetTextColor 154 111 204 200
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 150 0 0
    SetFontSize 33

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Strong Iron Net"
    SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 40

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Strong Rope Net"
    SetTextColor 28 28 219 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 36

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Simple Iron Net"
    SetTextColor 76 76 250 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 36

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Reinforced Rope Net"
    SetTextColor 157 157 201 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 36

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Simple Rope Net"
    SetTextColor 157 157 201 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 36

# Section: Валюта  | Currency

	Class "Stackable Currency"
	BaseType "Reflecting Mist"
	PlayAlertSound 13 300
	SetFontSize 42
	SetTextColor 0 0 0
	SetBackgroundColor 230 255 180
	SetBorderColor 0 255 0
	PlayEffect Green
	MinimapIcon 0 White Star

    BaseType "==" "Orb of Alchemy" "Orb of Binding" "Blessed Orb"
    SetTextColor 175 96 37
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green

    BaseType "==" "Lesser Eldritch Ember" "Greater Eldritch Ember" "Lesser Eldritch Ichor" "Greater Eldritch Ichor"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 36
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "ForestTrollYes1.wav"

	BaseType == "Imprint"
	PlayAlertSound 6 200
	SetFontSize 45
	SetTextColor 0 0 0
	SetBorderColor 0 100 0
	SetBackgroundColor 200 255 100
	PlayEffect Green
	MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond 

	BaseType "Ancient Reliquary Key" "Timeworn Reliquary Key" "Vaal Reliquary Key" "Forgotten Reliquary Key" "Visceral Reliquary Key" "Shiny Reliquary Key" "Archive Reliquary Key" "Oubliette Reliquary Key" "Cosmic Reliquary Key" "Decaying Reliquary Key" "Voidborn Reliquary Key"
	PlayAlertSound 5 300
	SetFontSize 45
	SetTextColor 255 100 0
	SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
	SetBorderColor 255 100 0
	PlayEffect Orange
	MinimapIcon 0 Orange Diamond

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "==" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Instilling Orb" "Enkindling Orb"
    SetTextColor 175 200 130
    SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 35
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Hexagon
    PlayEffect Green Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ForestTrollYes2.wav"

# Eldritch Currency
    BaseType "==" "Exceptional Eldritch Ember" "Exceptional Eldritch Ichor"
    SetTextColor 200 200 200
    SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
    SetBorderColor 0 255 0
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Hexagon
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "SatyreYes1.wav"

    BaseType "==" "Grand Eldritch Ember" "Grand Eldritch Ichor"
    SetTextColor 210 205 120
    SetBackgroundColor 0 50 0
    SetBorderColor 0 255 0
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ForestTrollYes2.wav"

Show # Vaal Reliquary Key | Ключ от Реликвария ваал
    Class "Misc Map Items"
    BaseType "Vaal Reliquary Key"
    SetTextColor 255 165 0
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 215 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Yellow Hexagon
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "Archer1.wav"

    BaseType "Stacked Deck"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 136 136 255
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 0 White Triangle
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "CaptainYesAttack1.wav"

    Class "Piece"
    SetTextColor 231 180 120
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 43
    CustomAlertSound "Jaina2.wav"

    Class "Pantheon Soul"
    SetTextColor 217 173 141
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0 220
    SetFontSize 41
    CustomAlertSound "Jaina.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Mirror Shard"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "Shaman2.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Exalted Shard"
    SetTextColor 150 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 204 204
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Star
    PlayEffect Brown
    CustomAlertSound "Shaman2.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Transmutation Shard" "Alteration Shard"
    SetTextColor 54 100 146
    SetBackgroundColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 45
    CustomAlertSound "Muradin2.wav"

    Class "Map Fragments"
    BaseType "Divine Vessel"
    SetTextColor 229 0 229 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 42
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Circle
    CustomAlertSound "HeroTauren1.wav"

    Class "Leaguestones"
    BaseType "Leaguestone"
    SetTextColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "Grom.wav"

    BaseType "Eternal Orb" "Albino Rhoa Feather" "Fishing Rod"
    SetTextColor 136 136 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 0 255
    SetBorderColor 150 0 0
    SetFontSize 35
    MinimapIcon 1 Blue Hexagon
    PlayEffect Yellow

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Exalted Orb" "Mirror of Kalandra"
    SetTextColor 255 40 0 220
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 128 0 128 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "HeroArchmagePissed1.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Crusader's Exalted Orb" "Redeemer's Exalted Orb" "Hunter's Exalted Orb" "Warlord's Exalted Orb" "Eldritch Exalted Orb"
    SetTextColor 255 40 0 220
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 128 0 128 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "==" "Awakener's Orb" "Orb of Conflict" "Orb of Dominance" "Sacred Orb"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    PlayAlertSound 5 300
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

    Class "Misc Map Items"
    BaseType "Ancient Reliquary Key"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect White Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

    Class "Misc Map Items"
    BaseType "Timeworn Reliquary Key"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect White Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

    Class "Misc Map Items"
    BaseType "Chayula's Breachstone" "Esh's Breachstone" "Xoph's Breachstone" "Uul-Netol's Breachstone" "Tul's Breachstone"
    SetTextColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "Head.wav"

    Class "Map Fragments"
    BaseType "Splinter of Chayula" "Splinter of Esh" "Splinter of Tul" "Splinter of Uul-Netol" "Splinter of Xoph"
    SetTextColor 230 77 237
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 1 Blue Circle
    CustomAlertSound "Head2.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Blessing"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 128 0 128 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "Grove1.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Splinter"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 217 99 217 255
    SetFontSize 44
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "Grove1.wav"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Essence"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255
    SetBackgroundColor 184 218 242
    SetFontSize 42
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "Farser.wav"

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Remnant of Corruption"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255
    SetBackgroundColor 184 218 242
    SetFontSize 42
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "Farser.wav"

    BaseType "Scroll of Wisdom"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128 255
    SetFontSize 28

    BaseType "Ancient Shard" "Mirror Shard" "Exalted Shard"
    SetTextColor 208 32 144
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Artas5.wav"

    BaseType "Chaos Shard" "Harbinger's Shard" "Mirror Shard"
    SetTextColor 150 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "DemonHunterMorphedYes5.wav"

	Class "Stackable Currency"
	BaseType == "Valdo's Puzzle Box"
	PlayAlertSound 5 300
	SetFontSize 45
	SetTextColor 140 165 55 255
	SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
	SetBorderColor 140 165 55 255
	PlayEffect Green
	MinimapIcon 0 Green Star 

    BaseType "Divine Orb"
    SetTextColor 175 96 37
    SetBackgroundColor 231 180 120
    SetFontSize 43
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Triangle
    PlayEffect Brown
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWhat5.wav"

    BaseType "Orb of Chance" "Orb of Alteration"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
    PlayEffect White Temp
    CustomAlertSound "HeadHunterYesAttack1.wav"

    BaseType "Vaal Orb"
    SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 43
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "RiflemanYes1.wav"

    BaseType "Orb of Regret" "Orb of Unmaking" "Imprint"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
    PlayEffect White Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Artas9.wav"

    BaseType "Gemcutter's Prism"
    SetTextColor 50 230 100
    SetFontSize 39
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYes1.wav"

    StackSize >= 2
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "==" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Instilling Orb" "Enkindling Orb"
    SetTextColor 175 200 130
    SetBackgroundColor 175 96 37
    SetBorderColor 255 255 119
    SetFontSize 38
    MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond
    PlayEffect Green Temp

    BaseType "Orb of Alchemy" "Orb of Binding" "Chaos Orb" "Chaos Shard"
    SetTextColor 255 165 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 40 0 220
    SetFontSize 43
    MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Circle
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "HeroBlademasterYes4.wav"

	Class "Stackable Currency"
	BaseType == "Instilling Orb" "Enkindling Orb"
	SetFontSize 40
	SetTextColor 175 200 130
	SetBackgroundColor 0 65 0
	SetBorderColor 0 255 0
#	DisableDropSound
	PlayEffect Green Temp
	MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond

Show #Hided on UEG
	Class "Stackable Currency"
	BaseType == "Glassblower's Bauble"
	SetFontSize 38
	SetTextColor 175 200 130
	SetBackgroundColor 0 65 0
	SetBorderColor 0 255 0
#	DisableDropSound
	PlayEffect Green Temp
	MinimapIcon 2 Green Diamond

    BaseType "Blessed Orb"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 43
    MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Circle
    PlayEffect Yellow
    CustomAlertSound "HeroBlademasterWarcry1.wav"

    BaseType "Chromatic Orb"
    SetTextColor 50 230 100
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 36
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "GromYes3.wav"

    BaseType "Regal Orb"
    SetTextColor 54 100 146
    SetBorderColor 184 218 242
    SetFontSize 39
    MinimapIcon 1 White Hexagon
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYes4.wav"

    BaseType "Orb of Annulment"
    SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 37
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasYesAttack4.wav"

	Class "Stackable Currency"
	BaseType == "Maven's Chisel of Procurement" "Maven's Chisel of Proliferation" "Maven's Chisel of Divination" "Maven's Chisel of Scarabs" "Maven's Chisel of Avarice"
	SetFontSize 40
	SetTextColor 0 0 0
	SetBorderColor 0 100 0
	SetBackgroundColor 200 255 100
	PlayEffect Green
	MinimapIcon 1 Green Diamond 

    BaseType "Harbinger's Orb"
    SetTextColor 27 162 155
    SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 0 128 0 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Triangle
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Artas7.wav"

    BaseType "Ancient Orb"
    SetTextColor 150 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    MinimapIcon 1 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasPissed7.wav"

	Class "Stackable Currency"
	BaseType == "Otherworldly Scouting Report"
	SetTextColor 140 165 55 255
	SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
	SetBorderColor 140 165 55 255
	SetFontSize 42
	PlayAlertSound 5 300
	MinimapIcon 0 Green Diamond
	PlayEffect Green

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Glassblower's Bauble" "Orb of Augmentation" "Orb of Horizons" "Engineer's Orb"
    SetTextColor 200 200 200
    SetBorderColor 231 180 120
    SetFontSize 39
    MinimapIcon 2 White Hexagon

    Class "Currency"
    BaseType "Cartographer's Seal" "Cartographer's Chisel"
    SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 0 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 2 Brown Circle
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Mortal.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Awakened Sextant" "Elevated Sextant"
    SetTextColor 210 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 43
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Red Temp
    CustomAlertSound "MortarTeamReady1.wav"

    BaseType "Unshaping Orb" "Imprint"
    SetTextColor 74 0 160 200
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    PlayEffect Green Temp

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Orb of Fusing"
    SetTextColor 127 127 127
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
    PlayEffect White Temp
    CustomAlertSound "illidan2.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Orb of Scouring"
    SetTextColor 200 200 200
    SetBorderColor 184 218 242
    SetFontSize 37
    MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "illidan.wav"

    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Jeweller's Orb"
    SetTextColor 200 200 200
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 41
    MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
    PlayEffect Blue Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Gyrocopter2.wav"

# Section: Фрагменты | Fragmens

Show #T3 Omens
	Class "Currency"
	BaseType "Omen of"
	SetTextColor 240 150 180
	SetBackgroundColor 70 30 65
	SetBorderColor 240 150 180
	SetFontSize 38
	PlayAlertSound 1 100
	MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
	PlayEffect Red

Show # T2
	Class "Currency"
	BaseType "Omen of Amelioration" "Omen of Blanching" "Omen of the Jeweller"
	SetTextColor 240 150 180
	SetBackgroundColor 125 25 115
	SetBorderColor 240 150 180
	SetFontSize 42
	PlayAlertSound 1 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Circle
	PlayEffect Red

Show #T1 Omens
	Class "Currency"
	BaseType "Omen of Fortune" "Omen of Connections"
	SetTextColor 185 40 90
	SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
	SetBorderColor 240 150 180
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 5 300
	MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
	PlayEffect Red

	Class "Gem"
	BaseType "Awakened"
	SetTextColor 0 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 17 85 132
	SetBorderColor 0 255 255
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 5 300
	PlayEffect Cyan
	MinimapIcon 0 Cyan Pentagon

Show #T3 Tattoo
	Class "Currency"
	BaseType "Tattoo of"
	SetTextColor 190 255 245
	SetBackgroundColor 50 105 120
	SetBorderColor 190 255 245
	SetFontSize 38
	PlayAlertSound 1 100
	MinimapIcon 2 Cyan Diamond
	PlayEffect Cyan Temp

# Divination Card T0
    Class "Divination Card"
    BaseType "==" "House of Mirrors" "The Immortal" "The Demon" "The Doctor" "The Fiend" "The Nurse" "Unrequited Love" "The Patient" "The Apothecary" "Seven Years Bad Luck" "The Shieldbearer" "The Price of Devotion" "The Insane Cat" "The Sephirot" "Divine Beauty" "Brother's Gift" "The Fortunate"
    SetTextColor 30 144 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 250
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 43
    CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasPissed2.wav"

Show #T2 Tattoo
	Class "Currency"
	BaseType == "Tattoo of the Hinekora Storyteller" "Tattoo of the Ramako Archer" "Tattoo of the Ramako Fleetfoot" "Tattoo of the Rongokurai Turtle" "Tattoo of the Valako Shieldbearer"
	SetTextColor 165 240 235
	SetBackgroundColor 50 145 150
	SetBorderColor 190 255 245
	SetFontSize 42
	PlayAlertSound 1 200
	MinimapIcon 1 Cyan Diamond
	PlayEffect Cyan

Show #T1 Tattoo
	Class "Currency"
	BaseType == "Journey Tattoo of the Body" "Journey Tattoo of the Mind" "Journey Tattoo of the Soul" "Tattoo of the Ngamahu Warmonger" "Tattoo of the Ramako Shaman" "Tattoo of the Tasalio Warrior" "Tattoo of the Tawhoa Shaman" "Tattoo of the Tukohama Warcaller"
	SetTextColor 115 200 195
	SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
	SetBorderColor 190 255 245
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 5 300
	MinimapIcon 0 Cyan Diamond
	PlayEffect Cyan

    BaseType "Silver Coin"
    SetTextColor 255 200 0
    SetBackgroundColor 120 120 120 200
    SetFontSize 40
    PlayEffect Green

# ==================================================================
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "Hinekora's Lock"
    SetTextColor 255 192 203
    SetBackgroundColor 210 0 0
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 40
    MinimapIcon 1 Blue Square
    PlayEffect Brown Temp
    CustomAlertSound "Artas8.wav"

    BaseType "Sacrifice at Dusk" "Sacrifice at Dawn" "Sacrifice at Noon" "Sacrifice at Midnight"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 10 0 125 200
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 40
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasWhat3.wav"

Show #Elder Fragments
    Class "Map Fragments"
    BaseType "Fragment of Enslavement" "Fragment of Eradication" "Fragment of Constriction" "Fragment of Purification"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 60 115 225 225
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Circle
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "ArthasPissed4.wav"

Show #Conquerors Fragments
    Class "Map Fragments"
    BaseType "Al-Hezmin's Crest" "Baran's Crest" "Drox's Crest" "Veritania's Crest"
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 175 80 40 225
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Circle
    PlayEffect Brown
    CustomAlertSound "Artas8.wav"

    Class "Map Fragments"
    BaseType "Fragment of the Chimera"
    SetTextColor 255 43 4 220
    SetBackgroundColor 107 0 112
    SetBorderColor 210 0 220
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Triangle
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "SatyreYesAttack1.wav"

    Class "Map Fragments"
    BaseType "Fragment of the Hydra"
    SetTextColor 12 79 31
    SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Green Triangle
    PlayEffect Green
    CustomAlertSound "SatyreWarcry1.wav"

    Class "Map Fragments"
    BaseType "Fragment of the Phoenix"
    SetTextColor 255 255 119
    SetBackgroundColor 150 97 0 255
    SetBorderColor 255 165 0 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Brown Triangle
    PlayEffect Brown
    CustomAlertSound "SatyreReady1.wav"

    Class "Map Fragments"
    BaseType "Fragment of the Minotaur"
    SetTextColor 224 96 0
    SetBackgroundColor 59 40 5 255
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Triangle
    PlayEffect White
    CustomAlertSound "SatyreYesAttack3.wav"

    Class "Divination Card"
    BaseType "House of Mirrors" "Beauty Through Death" "The Life Thief" "The Doctor" "The Fiend" "The Immortal" "The Spark and the Flame" "Hunter's Reward" "The Samurai's Eye" "Mawr Blaidd" "The Celestial Stone" "Immortal Resolve" "The Mayor" "Alluring Bounty" "The World Eater" "Pride of the First Ones" "Dark Dreams" "Imperial Legacy" "The Damned" "Nook's Crown" "Pride of the First Ones" "The Spark and the Flame" "Alluring Bounty" "Void of the Elements" "Immortal Resolve" "Seven Years Bad Luck"
    SetTextColor 128 0 128 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Red Star
    PlayEffect Red
    CustomAlertSound "PriestPissed6.wav"

    Class "Divination Card"
    BaseType "Seven Years Bad Luck" "Abandoned Wealth" "The Nurse" "The Vast" "The Queen" "Wealth and Power" "The Dragon's Heart" "The Saint's Treasure" "The Professor" "The Sephirot" "The Undisputed" "The Artist" "Heterochromia" "The Landing" "The Undaunted" "Boon of the First Ones" "The Hale Heart" "Bowyer's Dream" "Pride Before the Fall" "The Brittle Emperor" "The Risk" "The Hoarder" "The Seeker" "Alone in the Darkness" "Arrogance of the Vaal" "Perfection" "The Last One Standing" "Burning Blood" "The Life Thief" "The Spark and the Flame" "The Celestial Justicar" "Pride Before the Fall" "The Deep Ones" "The Mayor" "Echoes of Love" "Buried Treasure" "The Celestial Stone" "The Price of Loyalty" "The Eye of Terror" "The Samurai's Eye" "Mawr Blaidd" "Remembrance" "Wealth and Power" "Azyran's Reward" "The Bargain" "The Celestial Justicar" "The Soul" "The Landing" "Dark Dreams" "Blessing of God" "The Hoarder" "The Hale Heart" "Lucky Deck" "The Wolven King's Bite" "The King's Heart" "Council of Cats" "Azyran's Reward" "The Soul" "The Eldritch Decay" "The Bargain" "The Ethereal" "Etched in Blood" "Blessing of God" "The Damned" "The Cursed King" "The Polymath" "Pride Before the Fall" "The Life Thief" "Void of the Elements" "The Saint's Treasure" "The Eye of Terror" "The Escape" "The Craving" "The Offering" "The Enlightened" "The Queen" "The Celestial Justicar" "Seven Years Bad Luck" "Hunter's Reward" "The Price of Loyalty" "Wealth and Power" "The Spark and the Flame" "The Strategist" "Abandoned Wealth" "The Dragon's Heart" "Pride of the First Ones" "The Progeny of Lunaris"
    SetTextColor 0 0 255 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 210 0 0
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 Blue Square
    PlayEffect Blue
    CustomAlertSound "MuradinPissed7.wav"

    Class "Divination Card"
    BaseType "The Enlightened" "The Master" "The Thaumaturgist" "The King's Heart" "The Cacophony" "The Polymath" "The Valkyrie" "The Sacrifice" "The Wind" "The Dreamer" "The Messenger" "The Void" "The Ethereal" "The Jester" "The Mad King" "The Valley of Steel Boxes" "Time-Lost Relic" "Chaotic Disposition" "The Celestial Justicar" "The Journey" "The Porcupine" "Lucky Deck" "Blessing of God" "Monochrome" "Harmony of Souls" "The Dapper Prodigy" "Lucky Deck" "The Dark Mage" "The World Eater" "Rebirth" "Last Hope" "The Warlord" "The Price of Protection" "The Insatiable" "The Avenger" "Left to Fate" "The Endless Darkness" "Emperor of Purity" "Merciless Armament" "The Darkest Dream" "The Innocent" "The Jeweller's Boon" "The Last One Standing" "The Offering" "The Penitent" "The Road to Power" "The Throne" "The Lord of Celebration" "The Tyrant" "The Fletcher" "The Formless Sea" "Dialla's Subjugation" "Humility" "Lingering Remnants" "The Admirer" "The Harvester" "The Wilted Rose" "The Spoiled Prince" "No Traces" "The One With All" "Sambodhi's Vow" "The Surveyor" "The Golden Era" "The Wretched" "Birth of the Three" "A Dab of Ink" "Atziri's Arsenal" "Hope" "Jack in the Box" "Lucky Connections" "Scholar of the Seas" "The Chains that Bind" "The Cursed King" "The Eye of the Dragon" "The Inventor" "The Rite of Elements" "The Twilight Moon" "The Body" "The Poet" "The Aesthete" "Lost Worlds" "Vinia's Token" "The Standoff" "The Union" "Audacity" "Blind Venture" "Boon of Justice" "Boundless Realms" "Call to the First Ones" "Coveted Possession" "Dark Temptation" "Death" "Dying Anguish" "Emperor's Luck" "Forbidden Power" "Gemcutter's Promise" "Gift of the Gemling Queen" "Glimmer of Hope" "Grave Knowledge" "Hubris" "Hunter's Resolve" "Light and Truth" "Lysah's Respite" "Might is Right" "Mitts" "Prosperity" "Rats" "The Arena Champion" "The Army of Blood" "The Battle Born" "The Beast" "The Blazing Fire" "The Calling" "The Cataclysm" "The Conduit" "The Deceiver" "The Demoness" "The Doppelganger" "The Dreamland" "The Drunken Aristocrat" "The Encroaching Darkness" "The Endurance" "The Explorer" "The Fathomless Depths" "The Feast" "The Forsaken" "The Fox" "The Gambler" "The Garish Power" "The Gladiator" "The Lich" "The Lion" "The Lord in Black" "The Master Artisan" "The Mercenary" "The Oath" "The Obscured" "The Pack Leader" "The Pact" "The Puzzle" "The Realm" "The Ruthless Ceinture" "The Scavenger" "The Scholar" "The Soul" "The Stormcaller" "The Summoner" "The Sun" "The Survivalist" "The Sword King's Salute" "The Tower" "The Traitor" "The Trial" "The Visionary" "The Watcher" "The Witch" "The Wolf's Shadow" "The Wolverine" "The Wrath" "Three Voices" "Tranquillity" "Treasure Hunter" "Turn the Other Cheek" "Volatile Power" "Doedre's Madness" "Earth Drinker" "The Opulent" "The Siren" "The Betrayal" "The Dragon" "The Gemcutter" "The Sigil" "The Scarred Meadow" "Rain Tempter" "The Coming Storm" "Anarchy's Price" "The Metalsmith's Gift" "Three Faces in the Dark" "The Web" "The Rabid Rhoa" "The Catalyst" "Assassin's Favour" "The Lunaris Priestess" "The Gentleman" "The Twins" "The Surgeon" "Cartographer's Delight" "Shard of Fate" "Destined to Crumble" "Loyalty" "A Mother's Parting Gift" "Her Mask" "Lantador's Lost Love" "Rain of Chaos" "The Flora's Gift" "The Hermit" "The Incantation" "The Inoculated" "The King's Blade" "The Lover" "The Warden" "Thunderous Skies" "Struck by Lightning" "The Carrion Crow" "The Hunger" "The Wolf's Shadow" "Seven Years Bad Luck" "The Dapper Prodigy" "The Risk" "The Artist" "The Formless Sea" "The Landing" "The Vast" "The Ethereal" "Left to Fate" "The Master" "The Sephirot" "Bowyer's Dream" "Dark Dreams" "Earth Drinker" "Emperor of Purity" "Harmony of Souls" "The Seeker" "The Hale Heart" "The Warlord" "The Throne" "Buried Treasure" "Humility" "Rebirth" "The Journey" "The Price of Protection" "The Thaumaturgist" "Time-Lost Relic" "Vanity" "Demigod's Wager" "The Jester" "The Tyrant" "Boon of Justice" "Dialla's Subjugation" "Gift of the Gemling Queen" "Lucky Deck" "Lysah's Respite" "Sambodhi's Vow" "The Dark Mage" "The Fool" "The Forsaken" "The Inventor" "The Cartographer" "The Cartographer" "Akil's Prophecy" "The Journey" "Arrogance of the Vaal"
    SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 35
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
    PlayEffect White Temp
    CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasYesAttack2.wav"

    Class "Divination Card"
    SetTextColor 0 0 0 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetBorderColor 30 144 255
    SetFontSize 35
    MinimapIcon 2 Blue Diamond
    PlayEffect White Temp
    CustomAlertSound "EvilArthasYesAttack2.wav"

    Class "Map Fragments"
    SetTextColor 200 200 200
    SetBorderColor 200 200 200
    MinimapIcon 2 Red Circle
    PlayEffect Blue

# Section: Озера Печали | ((

# ==================================================================
    BaseType "==" "Mirrored Tablet"
    SetTextColor 0 0 0
    SetBackgroundColor 160 160 160
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 0 White Hexagon
    PlayEffect White

	BaseType == "Niko's Memory" "Alva's Memory" "Kirac's Memory" "Einhar's Memory"
	SetTextColor 0 0 0
	SetBackgroundColor 100 65 185 225
	SetBorderColor 0 0 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 7 300
	MinimapIcon 0 Purple Diamond
	PlayEffect Purple

# Section: Нашествие

#T2 Rare Scourged
Hide #Hided on EG EGP UEG
	Scourged True
	Rarity <= Rare
	SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetFontSize 35

Show #6 SocketGroup
	Scourged True
	Rarity <= Rare
	Sockets = 6
	SetFontSize 40
#	DisableDropSound
	SetTextColor 220 220 220
	SetBackgroundColor 0 0 75
	SetBorderColor 220 220 220
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red

#T1 Rare Scourged
Show #T1 Rare
	Scourged True
	BaseType "Marble Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Jade Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Seaglass Amulet" "Unset Amulet" "Stygian Vise" "Rustic Sash" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Crystal Belt" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Unset Ring" "Opal Ring" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Iolite Ring" "Dusk Ring" "Penumbra Ring" "Gloam Ring" "Tenebrous Ring" "Shadowed Ring" "Bone Ring" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Vile Arrow Quiver" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Vaal Regalia" "Astral Plate" "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Glorious Plate" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Bone Helmet" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Maraketh Bow" "Spine Bow" "Thicket Bow" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Claw" "Ambusher" "Siege Axe" "Behemoth Mace" "Corsair Sword" "Jewelled Foil" "Spiraled Foil" "Vaal Axe" "Fleshripper" "Coronal Maul" "Exquisite Blade" "Maelström Staff" "Judgement Staff" "Copper Kris" "Golden Kris" "Platinum Kris" "Void Sceptre" "Opal Sceptre" "Eclipse Staff" "Convoking Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Imbued Wand"
	Rarity <= Rare
	SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetFontSize 38
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red

#Scourge Items
	BaseType "Tainted Blessing"
	PlayAlertSound 7 100
	SetFontSize 40
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 80 0 0 200
	SetBorderColor 255 255 255
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Cross
	PlayEffect Red

	Scourged True
	Rarity = Unique
	SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 4 300
	PlayEffect Brown
	MinimapIcon 1 Brown Star

	HasCruciblePassiveTree True
	Rarity <= Rare
	SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetFontSize 38
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red

	HasCruciblePassiveTree True
	Rarity = Unique
	SetFontSize 45
	SetTextColor 240 110 0
	SetBorderColor 175 95 35
	SetBackgroundColor 40 20 20
	PlayEffect Brown Temp
	MinimapIcon 2 Brown Star

	Class == "Charms" "Corpses"
	SetFontSize 45
	SetTextColor 235 255 223 255
	SetBackgroundColor 110 145 95 180
	SetBorderColor 5 55 0
	SetFontSize 45
	MinimapIcon 1 Green Star
	PlayEffect Green

# Section: Лига Пиратов

    Class "Map Fragment"
    BaseType "An Audience With The King"
    SetTextColor 136 136 255
    SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
    MinimapIcon 2 White Circle
    CustomAlertSound "DeathKnightYesAttack3.wav"

Show # Runes T2
    Class "Stackable Currency"
    BaseType "==" "Life Rune" "Sun Rune" "Bound Rune" "War Rune" "River Rune" "Bounty Rune" "Journey Rune" "Mountain Rune" "Time Rune"
    SetTextColor 208 32 144
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45

    Class "Gold"
    BaseType "Gold"
    SetTextColor 200 255 100
    SetBorderColor 255 255 119
    SetFontSize 32
    MinimapIcon 2 Yellow Square
    PlayEffect Yellow Temp
    CustomAlertSound "ReceiveGold.wav"

Show # Runes T1
	Class "Stackable Currency"
	BaseType == "Power Rune"
	SetTextColor 210 235 255
    SetBackgroundColor 200 120 20
    SetBorderColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 45
	PlayEffect Orange
	MinimapIcon 0 Orange Diamond

# Section: Скрытый трешак | Bullshit

    Rarity = Rare
    SetFontSize 23

    Rarity = Magic
    SetFontSize 26

    Rarity = Normal
    SetTextColor 255 255 255
    SetFontSize 25

	Scourged True
	Class "Maps"
	SetTextColor 185 150 150 255
	SetBackgroundColor 85 55 55 230
	SetBorderColor 185 150 150 255
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 7 300
	MinimapIcon 0 Red Circle
	PlayEffect Red

Show #T2 Rare #Hided on EG EGP UEG
	Scourged True
	Rarity <= Rare
#	DisableDropSound
	SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetFontSize 35
	MinimapIcon 2 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red

Show #T1 Rare
	Scourged True
	BaseType "Marble Amulet" "Amber Amulet" "Lapis Amulet" "Jade Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Agate Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Seaglass Amulet" "Unset Amulet" "Stygian Vise" "Rustic Sash" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Crystal Belt" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Ruby Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Unset Ring" "Opal Ring" "Steel Ring" "Vermillion Ring" "Iolite Ring" "Dusk Ring" "Penumbra Ring" "Gloam Ring" "Tenebrous Ring" "Shadowed Ring" "Bone Ring" "Broadhead Arrow Quiver" "Vile Arrow Quiver" "Heavy Arrow Quiver" "Primal Arrow Quiver" "Vaal Regalia" "Astral Plate" "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Glorious Plate" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Two-Toned Boots" "Fugitive Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Slink Gloves" "Gripped Gloves" "Fingerless Silk Gloves" "Spiked Gloves" "Apothecary's Gloves" "Royal Burgonet" "Hubris Circlet" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Bone Helmet" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Supreme Spiked Shield" "Archon Kite Shield" "Colossal Tower Shield" "Maraketh Bow" "Spine Bow" "Thicket Bow" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Claw" "Ambusher" "Siege Axe" "Behemoth Mace" "Corsair Sword" "Jewelled Foil" "Spiraled Foil" "Vaal Axe" "Fleshripper" "Coronal Maul" "Exquisite Blade" "Maelström Staff" "Judgement Staff" "Copper Kris" "Golden Kris" "Platinum Kris" "Void Sceptre" "Opal Sceptre" "Eclipse Staff" "Convoking Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Imbued Wand" "Calling Wand" "Convening Wand"
	Rarity <= Rare
	SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetFontSize 38
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red

Show #6 SocketGroup
	Scourged True
	Rarity <= Rare
	Sockets = 6
	SetFontSize 40
#	DisableDropSound
	SetTextColor 220 220 220
	SetBackgroundColor 0 0 75
	SetBorderColor 220 220 220
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Triangle
	PlayEffect Red

	Scourged True
	Rarity = Unique
	SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
	SetBorderColor 255 40 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 4 300
	PlayEffect Brown
	MinimapIcon 1 Brown Star

#Scourge Items
	BaseType "Tainted Blessing"
	PlayAlertSound 7 100
	SetFontSize 40
	SetTextColor 255 255 255
	SetBackgroundColor 80 0 0 200
	SetBorderColor 255 255 255
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Cross
	PlayEffect Red

	BaseType == "Tainted Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Tainted Armourer's Scrap"
	SetTextColor 255 100 100
	SetBorderColor 255 0 0
	SetFontSize 35
	PlayEffect Red Temp

	BaseType == "Tainted Chaos Orb" "Tainted Chromatic Orb" "Tainted Orb of Fusing" "Tainted Jeweller's Orb"
	SetTextColor 255 100 100
	SetBackgroundColor 70 0 0
	SetBorderColor 255 0 0
	SetFontSize 40
	MinimapIcon 1 Red Diamond
	PlayEffect Red

#Tainted Currency
	BaseType == "Tainted Exalted Orb" "Tainted Mythic Orb" "Tainted Divine Teardrop"
	SetTextColor 0 0 0
	SetBackgroundColor 255 230 230
	SetBorderColor 255 0 0
	SetFontSize 45
	PlayAlertSound 5 300
	MinimapIcon 0 Red Diamond
	PlayEffect Red